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Updating PersonInOrg


Normally, we will want to update DB objects as such 


Dim dbObject As IEntity

dbObject = Session.Source.Get("CustomTable", UID_CustomTable)
dbObject.PutValue("column", "newvalue")

We wanted to update UID_Org in PersonInOrg as part of our processes. 

However, as PersonInOrg is a view, does not have primary keys and UID_Person and UID_Org are its foreignkeys, how do we uniquely call one single DB object, especially when it does not have a primary key?

We have tried calling the object via XObjectKey, but an error is thrown, saying that "Number of primary keys columns do not match".

Is there a safer/better way to update values to such views/tables? We have tried using SQL formatter to call, but we are stuck not knowing how to retrieve the actual db object and update the particular PersonInOrg object. 

Thank you.