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Write permission is denied because of: Group CanEdit

V8.0.2 - DB copied over from v7.1.2

We have custom column CCC_ABC in person with the following canEditGroups. - CCCEditPermissions, CCCEditRole

When trying to insert a user into Person, we are seeing the following error

Write permission for CCC_ABC is denied because of: Group CanEdit

Can someone suggest what could be missing?

  • What does the table permissions show for this column within Designer

  • For some reason i am unable to insert the image. Hence i'm listing out permissions here

    CCC_4_ALLUSER - VIew/Edit

    CCC_Manager - VIew/Edit/Insert

    CCCEditPermissions- VIew/Edit

    CCCEditRole- VIew/Edit

    CCCViewPermissions - View

    CCCViewRole - View

    Note that these permissions are same as what we have in our 7.1.2 environment without any issues.

  • I think that your problem is that they don't have insert rights on that column, you are trying to do an insert correct?

  • We are trying to insert into Person. I gave insert permissions to all the above permission groups except CCCViewPermissions and CCCViewRole. However we are still seeing the same error. Please advise

  • Where do you get the error? In the web portal or in some of the rich clients? Which authenticator are you using? Can you post the detailed error message?

  • I am trying to insert the user using dataimporter from a DB. Below is the complete error snippet

    [810025] Employees: Write permission denied for value "BUN".
    	at VI.DataImport.ImportExecution.<ExecuteAsync>d__16.MoveNext()
    	at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd(Task task)
    	at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
    	at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
    	--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
    	at VI.DB.Entities.PermissionsEntityColumnBase.<SetValueAsync>d__17.MoveNext()
    	at VI.DB.Entities.PermissionsEntityColumnBase._CheckCanEdit()
    Crash report:
    2018-11-13 09:24:00	SqlLog	Opening database session in mode ReadWrite
    2018-11-13 09:24:00	SqlLog	(1 ms) - select UID_Database from DialogDatabase where IsMainDatabase = 1
    2018-11-13 09:24:00	SqlLog	(1 ms) - select count(*) from DialogScriptAssembly where Name = N'Scripts_eea03fR5luTHU8C20GaOEIcXdw'
    2018-11-13 09:24:00	SqlLog	Opening database session in mode ReadOnly
    2018-11-13 09:24:00	SqlLog	(2 ms) - select changecontext, changecounter from DialogSemaphor with (nolock) where NOT isnull(ChangeContext, '') = ''
    2018-11-13 09:24:00	SqlLog	(1 ms) - select changecontext, changecounter from DialogSemaphor with (nolock) where NOT isnull(ChangeContext, '') = ''
    2018-11-13 09:24:00	SqlLog	(3 ms) - select distinct c.uid_configparm, c.uid_parentconfigparm, c.fullpath, c.value, o.preprocessorstring
    from DialogConfigParm c with (nolock)
    left outer join DialogConfigParmOption o with (nolock)
    	on c.UID_ConfigParm = o.UID_ConfigParm
    	and c.Value = o.OptionValue
    where c.enabled = 1
    order by fullpath
    2018-11-13 09:24:00	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select changecontext, changecounter from DialogSemaphor with (nolock) where NOT isnull(ChangeContext, '') = ''
    2018-11-13 09:24:00	StopWatch	Getting Tables/global from cache. done in 68ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:00	SqlLog	(1 ms) - 
    	select t.tablename, t.displaypattern, t.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor,
    	t.tabletype, tBase.TableName, t.uid_dialogtable, t.UsageType, t.uid_dialogimage, t.displayname,
    	datalength(t.OnSavingScript) as HasOnSaving,
    	datalength(t.OnSavedScript) as HasOnSaved,
    	datalength(t.OnLoadedScript) HasOnLoaded,
    	datalength(t.OnDiscardingScript) as HasOnDiscarding,
    	datalength(t.OnDiscardedScript) as HasOnDiscarded,
    	t.DefaultDisplayFKList, tProxy.TableName, t.ismntable, t.istransportdisabled,
    	t.ElementColor, t.IsResident, t.DisplayPatternLong, t.IsModuleGuidAllowed, t.IsModuleGuidDefault,
    	t.DeleteDelayDays, t.ScopeReferenceColumns, t.TransportWhereClause, t.IsMAllTable,
    	t.PendingChangeBehavior, t.DisplayNameSingular
    	from dialogtable t with (nolock)
        left outer join DialogTable tBase with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableBase = tBase.UID_DialogTable
        left outer join DialogTable tProxy with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableUnion = tProxy.UID_DialogTable
    	where t.tablename = N'DialogDatabase'
    2018-11-13 09:24:00	SqlLog	(2 ms) - 
    		c.uid_dialogcolumn, c.columnname,
    		c.minlen as minlen,
    		c.maxlen as maxlen,
    		c.format as format,
    		c.isalternatepkmember, c.DateTimeDetail, c.isuid, c.ispkmember,
    		datalength(c.FormatScript)  as fmt,
    		c.hasdefaultvalue, c.iscrypted, c.MultiLanguageFlag, c.caption,
    		c.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, c.customcomment, b.columnname,
    		c.IndexWeight, c.ismultivalued, c.syntaxtype,
    		c.IsNoAutoExtendPermissions, c.haslimitedvalues, c.countdigits,
    		c.IsNoAutoTrim, c.commentary, c.istoignoreonexport, c.istoignoreonimport,
    		c.IsCustomConfigurable, c.IsSpml,
    		datalength(c.Template) as tmpl,
    		c.IsOverwritingTemplate as IsOverwritingTemplate,
    		c.SortOrder, c.IsFilterDesignerEnabled, c.ColumnGroup, c.IsParentConnectColumn,
    		c.IsDynamicFK, u.columnname, c.BitMaskConfig, c.IsMultiLineContent,
    		c.TemplateLimitationInternal, c.TemplateLimitationException,
    		c.LimitedValues, c.IsBlobExternal, c.IsDescriptionColumn, c.IsHierarchyDisplay, c.IsForeignKey,
    		c.DoNotLogChanges, c.UID_DialogTable, c.IsMAllKeyMember
    	from dialogcolumn c with (nolock)
    	left outer join dialogcolumn b with (nolock) on c.uid_basecolumn = b.uid_dialogcolumn
    	left outer join dialogcolumn u with (nolock) on c.uid_dialogcolumnunionview = u.uid_dialogcolumn
    	where c.UID_DialogTable in ('QBM-T-DialogDatabase')
    2018-11-13 09:24:00	SqlLog	(1 ms) - select tc.UID_DialogTable, t.Assembly, t.FullTypeName
    from DialogCustomizer c with (nolock)
    join QBMClrType t with (nolock) on t.UID_QBMClrType = c.UID_QBMClrType
    join DialogTableHasCustomizer tc with (nolock) on tc.UID_Customizer = c.UID_Customizer
    where (tc.UID_DialogTable in ('QBM-T-DialogDatabase')) and (c.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor = 0)
    order by c.SortOrder
    2018-11-13 09:24:00	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup, g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup, g.IgnoreEmptyValues, c.UID_DialogColumn, g.UID_DialogTable
    from QBMUniqueGroup g
    join QBMUniqueGroupHasColumn ghc on ghc.UID_QBMUniqueGroup = g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup
    join DialogColumn c on ghc.ObjectKeyDialogColumn = c.XObjectKey
    where g.UID_DialogTable in ('QBM-T-DialogDatabase')
    order by g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup
    2018-11-13 09:24:00	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_DialogTableBase, tablename from dialogtable with (nolock) where (UID_DialogTableBase in ('QBM-T-DialogDatabase')) and (isdeactivatedbypreprocessor = 0)
    2018-11-13 09:24:00	StopWatch	Getting Table/DialogDatabase from cache. done in 80ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:00	StopWatch	Getting Schema/DialogDatabase from cache. done in 17ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:00	SqlLog	(1 ms) - select ConnectionProvider, ConnectionString, CustomerName, CustomerPrefix, DataOrigin, Description, EditionDescription, EditionName, EditionVersion, ElementColor, FESimulationStarted, IsDBSchedulerDisabled, IsFullTextEnabled, IsJobServiceDisabled, IsMainDatabase, LastMigrationDate, ModuleOwner, ProductionLevel, PublicKey, SingleUserProcess, SingleUserStart, UID_Database, UID_DialogAuthentifier, UID_DialogCultureDefault, XDateInserted, XDateUpdated, XMarkedForDeletion, XObjectKey, XTouched, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated from DialogDatabase where (IsMainDatabase = 1)
    2018-11-13 09:24:00	SqlLog	(1 ms) - select a.Ident_DialogAuthentifier, a.AssemblyName, a.Class, a.InitialData, a.Caption, db.IsMainDatabase
      from DialogAuthentifier a with (nolock)
      left outer join DialogProductHasAuthentifier pha with (nolock) on a.UID_DialogAuthentifier = pha.UID_DialogAuthentifier
      left outer join QBMProduct p with (nolock) on pha.UID_DialogProduct = p.UID_DialogProduct
      left outer join DialogDatabase db with (nolock)
    	on db.UID_DialogAuthentifier = a.UID_DialogAuthentifier
    	and  db.IsMainDatabase = 1
     where (a.IsEnabled = 1) and (a.ShowInInterface = 1) and (pha.IsInActive = 0) and (p.Ident_Product = N'Default')
     order by a.SortOrder
    2018-11-13 09:24:01	StopWatch	Getting MultiLanguageColumnDeps/global from cache. done in 53ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:01	StopWatch	Getting CultureChain/en-US from cache. done in 8ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:01	StopWatch	Getting MultiLanguage/QBM-D0A474E06FE2420D99D375DE94EB5CB3,en-US from cache. done in 8ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:01	SqlLog	(1 ms) - select a.AssemblyName, a.Class, a.InitialData, a.Caption, p.Ident_Product
    from DialogAuthentifier a with (nolock)
     join DialogProductHasAuthentifier pha with (nolock) on a.UID_DialogAuthentifier = pha.UID_DialogAuthentifier
     join QBMProduct p with (nolock) on pha.UID_DialogProduct = p.UID_DialogProduct
    	and p.Ident_Product = N'Default'
    	and pha.IsInActive  = 0
    where a.IsEnabled = 1 and a.Ident_DialogAuthentifier = N'DialogUser'
    2018-11-13 09:24:01	ObjectLog	Opening session
    2018-11-13 09:24:01	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select GetUTCDate()
    2018-11-13 09:24:01	SqlLog	(1 ms) - select a.AssemblyName, a.Class, a.InitialData, a.Caption, p.Ident_Product
    from DialogAuthentifier a with (nolock)
     join DialogProductHasAuthentifier pha with (nolock) on a.UID_DialogAuthentifier = pha.UID_DialogAuthentifier
     join QBMProduct p with (nolock) on pha.UID_DialogProduct = p.UID_DialogProduct
    	and p.Ident_Product = N'Default'
    	and pha.IsInActive  = 0
    where a.IsEnabled = 1 and a.Ident_DialogAuthentifier = N'DialogUser'
    2018-11-13 09:24:01	SqlLog	(1 ms) - select
    	u.UserName, u.Password, u.Salt, u.IsServiceAccount, u.PasswordLastSet, u.BadPasswordAttempts, u.PasswordNeverExpires,
    	coalesce(pol.MaxAge, fb.MaxAge) as MaxAge, coalesce(pol.MaxBadAttempts, fb.MaxBadAttempts) as MaxBadAttempts,
    	coalesce(pol.MinLen, fb.MinLen) as MinLen, coalesce(pol.UID_QBMPwdPolicy, fb.UID_QBMPwdPolicy) as UID_QBMPwdPolicy
    from DialogUser u
    left outer join QBMObjectHasPwdPolicy hp
    	on (hp.ObjectKeyElement = '<Key><T>DialogTable</T><P>QBM-T-DialogUser</P></Key>') and (hp.UID_DialogColumn = 'QBM-EC951E8CE23A4EC78BB15B131F499E01')
    left outer join QBMPwdPolicy pol on hp.UID_QBMPwdPolicy = pol.UID_QBMPwdPolicy
    left outer join QBMPwdPolicy fb on fb.IsDefault = 1
    where (u.UserName = N'viAdmin') and (u.IsDynamicUser = 0) and (u.xmarkedfordeletion & 3 = 0)
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	SqlLog	(1 ms) - select Username, UID_DialogUser, IsReadOnly, IsPwdExternalManaged, IsAdmin from DialogUser with (nolock) where username = N'viadmin'
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	ObjectLog	User viadmin (Dialog user: viadmin, X fields: viadmin) authenticated.
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	ObjectLog	Initializing database session.
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	SqlLog	(1 ms) - select MigrationVersion from QBMModuleDef where ModuleName = N'QBM'
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	ObjectLog	Session initialized.
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	ObjectLog	Session created
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	ObjectLog	Opening session done in 360ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	SqlLog	(1 ms) - select xdateupdated from dialogscriptassembly where name = N'WebServices_eea03fR5luTHU8C20GaOEIcXdw'
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	ObjectLog	Loading assembly C:\Users\va-smmellac\AppData\Local\One Identity\One Identity Manager\AssemblyCache\WebServices_eea03fR5luTHU8C20GaOEIcXdw.dll
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	ObjectLog	ScriptClass: Loading assembly from buffer: WebServices_eea03fR5luTHU8C20GaOEIcXdw
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select xdateupdated from dialogscriptassembly where name = N'TypedWrappers_eea03fR5luTHU8C20GaOEIcXdw'
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	ObjectLog	Loading assembly C:\Users\va-smmellac\AppData\Local\One Identity\One Identity Manager\AssemblyCache\TypedWrappers_eea03fR5luTHU8C20GaOEIcXdw.dll
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	ObjectLog	ScriptClass: Loading assembly from buffer: TypedWrappers_eea03fR5luTHU8C20GaOEIcXdw
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	SqlLog	(1 ms) - select xdateupdated from dialogscriptassembly where name = N'ProductScripts_eea03fR5luTHU8C20GaOEIcXdw'
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	ObjectLog	Loading assembly C:\Users\va-smmellac\AppData\Local\One Identity\One Identity Manager\AssemblyCache\ProductScripts_eea03fR5luTHU8C20GaOEIcXdw.dll
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	ObjectLog	ScriptClass: Loading assembly from buffer: ProductScripts_eea03fR5luTHU8C20GaOEIcXdw
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select xdateupdated from dialogscriptassembly where name = N'Scripts_eea03fR5luTHU8C20GaOEIcXdw'
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	ObjectLog	Loading assembly C:\Users\va-smmellac\AppData\Local\One Identity\One Identity Manager\AssemblyCache\Scripts_eea03fR5luTHU8C20GaOEIcXdw.dll
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	ObjectLog	ScriptClass: Loading assembly from buffer: Scripts_eea03fR5luTHU8C20GaOEIcXdw
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select xdateupdated from dialogscriptassembly where name = N'Tmpl_eea03fR5luTHU8C20GaOEIcXdw'
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select xdateupdated from dialogscriptassembly where name = N'Table_eea03fR5luTHU8C20GaOEIcXdw'
    2018-11-13 09:24:02	StopWatch	Getting Modules/global from cache. done in 7ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:09	StopWatch	Getting Groups/QBM-A60F9E5189134AFFB6711DFCBC3F260E from cache. done in 18ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:13	StopWatch	Getting Schema/DialogTable from cache. done in 28ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:13	SqlLog	(1 ms) - 
    	select t.tablename, t.displaypattern, t.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor,
    	t.tabletype, tBase.TableName, t.uid_dialogtable, t.UsageType, t.uid_dialogimage, t.displayname,
    	datalength(t.OnSavingScript) as HasOnSaving,
    	datalength(t.OnSavedScript) as HasOnSaved,
    	datalength(t.OnLoadedScript) HasOnLoaded,
    	datalength(t.OnDiscardingScript) as HasOnDiscarding,
    	datalength(t.OnDiscardedScript) as HasOnDiscarded,
    	t.DefaultDisplayFKList, tProxy.TableName, t.ismntable, t.istransportdisabled,
    	t.ElementColor, t.IsResident, t.DisplayPatternLong, t.IsModuleGuidAllowed, t.IsModuleGuidDefault,
    	t.DeleteDelayDays, t.ScopeReferenceColumns, t.TransportWhereClause, t.IsMAllTable,
    	t.PendingChangeBehavior, t.DisplayNameSingular
    	from dialogtable t with (nolock)
        left outer join DialogTable tBase with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableBase = tBase.UID_DialogTable
        left outer join DialogTable tProxy with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableUnion = tProxy.UID_DialogTable
    	where t.tablename = N'DialogTable'
    2018-11-13 09:24:13	SqlLog	(2 ms) - 
    		c.uid_dialogcolumn, c.columnname,
    		c.minlen as minlen,
    		c.maxlen as maxlen,
    		c.format as format,
    		c.isalternatepkmember, c.DateTimeDetail, c.isuid, c.ispkmember,
    		datalength(c.FormatScript)  as fmt,
    		c.hasdefaultvalue, c.iscrypted, c.MultiLanguageFlag, c.caption,
    		c.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, c.customcomment, b.columnname,
    		c.IndexWeight, c.ismultivalued, c.syntaxtype,
    		c.IsNoAutoExtendPermissions, c.haslimitedvalues, c.countdigits,
    		c.IsNoAutoTrim, c.commentary, c.istoignoreonexport, c.istoignoreonimport,
    		c.IsCustomConfigurable, c.IsSpml,
    		datalength(c.Template) as tmpl,
    		c.IsOverwritingTemplate as IsOverwritingTemplate,
    		c.SortOrder, c.IsFilterDesignerEnabled, c.ColumnGroup, c.IsParentConnectColumn,
    		c.IsDynamicFK, u.columnname, c.BitMaskConfig, c.IsMultiLineContent,
    		c.TemplateLimitationInternal, c.TemplateLimitationException,
    		c.LimitedValues, c.IsBlobExternal, c.IsDescriptionColumn, c.IsHierarchyDisplay, c.IsForeignKey,
    		c.DoNotLogChanges, c.UID_DialogTable, c.IsMAllKeyMember
    	from dialogcolumn c with (nolock)
    	left outer join dialogcolumn b with (nolock) on c.uid_basecolumn = b.uid_dialogcolumn
    	left outer join dialogcolumn u with (nolock) on c.uid_dialogcolumnunionview = u.uid_dialogcolumn
    	where c.UID_DialogTable in ('QBM-T-DialogTable')
    2018-11-13 09:24:13	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select tc.UID_DialogTable, t.Assembly, t.FullTypeName
    from DialogCustomizer c with (nolock)
    join QBMClrType t with (nolock) on t.UID_QBMClrType = c.UID_QBMClrType
    join DialogTableHasCustomizer tc with (nolock) on tc.UID_Customizer = c.UID_Customizer
    where (tc.UID_DialogTable in ('QBM-T-DialogTable')) and (c.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor = 0)
    order by c.SortOrder
    2018-11-13 09:24:13	SqlLog	(1 ms) - select g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup, g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup, g.IgnoreEmptyValues, c.UID_DialogColumn, g.UID_DialogTable
    from QBMUniqueGroup g
    join QBMUniqueGroupHasColumn ghc on ghc.UID_QBMUniqueGroup = g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup
    join DialogColumn c on ghc.ObjectKeyDialogColumn = c.XObjectKey
    where g.UID_DialogTable in ('QBM-T-DialogTable')
    order by g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup
    2018-11-13 09:24:13	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_DialogTableBase, tablename from dialogtable with (nolock) where (UID_DialogTableBase in ('QBM-T-DialogTable')) and (isdeactivatedbypreprocessor = 0)
    2018-11-13 09:24:13	StopWatch	Getting Table/DialogTable from cache. done in 8ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:13	SqlLog	(2 ms) - select KeyWord, KeywordFlagCS, Risk from dbo.QBM_FTSQLKeywords(0)
    2018-11-13 09:24:13	StopWatch	Getting Permissions/DialogTable from cache. done in 31ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:13	ObjectLog	DialogTable: Getting collection, load type: Slim
    2018-11-13 09:24:13	SqlLog	(3 ms) - select TableName, UID_DialogTable from DialogTable where (IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor = 0)
    2018-11-13 09:24:13	ObjectLog	Collection: Run statement and fetch data done in 12ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:13	ObjectLog	Getting collection done in 24ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:14	StopWatch	Getting Schema/Person from cache. done in 26ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:14	SqlLog	(1 ms) - 
    	select t.tablename, t.displaypattern, t.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor,
    	t.tabletype, tBase.TableName, t.uid_dialogtable, t.UsageType, t.uid_dialogimage, t.displayname,
    	datalength(t.OnSavingScript) as HasOnSaving,
    	datalength(t.OnSavedScript) as HasOnSaved,
    	datalength(t.OnLoadedScript) HasOnLoaded,
    	datalength(t.OnDiscardingScript) as HasOnDiscarding,
    	datalength(t.OnDiscardedScript) as HasOnDiscarded,
    	t.DefaultDisplayFKList, tProxy.TableName, t.ismntable, t.istransportdisabled,
    	t.ElementColor, t.IsResident, t.DisplayPatternLong, t.IsModuleGuidAllowed, t.IsModuleGuidDefault,
    	t.DeleteDelayDays, t.ScopeReferenceColumns, t.TransportWhereClause, t.IsMAllTable,
    	t.PendingChangeBehavior, t.DisplayNameSingular
    	from dialogtable t with (nolock)
        left outer join DialogTable tBase with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableBase = tBase.UID_DialogTable
        left outer join DialogTable tProxy with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableUnion = tProxy.UID_DialogTable
    	where t.tablename = N'Person'
    2018-11-13 09:24:14	SqlLog	(2 ms) - 
    		c.uid_dialogcolumn, c.columnname,
    		c.minlen as minlen,
    		c.maxlen as maxlen,
    		c.format as format,
    		c.isalternatepkmember, c.DateTimeDetail, c.isuid, c.ispkmember,
    		datalength(c.FormatScript)  as fmt,
    		c.hasdefaultvalue, c.iscrypted, c.MultiLanguageFlag, c.caption,
    		c.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, c.customcomment, b.columnname,
    		c.IndexWeight, c.ismultivalued, c.syntaxtype,
    		c.IsNoAutoExtendPermissions, c.haslimitedvalues, c.countdigits,
    		c.IsNoAutoTrim, c.commentary, c.istoignoreonexport, c.istoignoreonimport,
    		c.IsCustomConfigurable, c.IsSpml,
    		datalength(c.Template) as tmpl,
    		c.IsOverwritingTemplate as IsOverwritingTemplate,
    		c.SortOrder, c.IsFilterDesignerEnabled, c.ColumnGroup, c.IsParentConnectColumn,
    		c.IsDynamicFK, u.columnname, c.BitMaskConfig, c.IsMultiLineContent,
    		c.TemplateLimitationInternal, c.TemplateLimitationException,
    		c.LimitedValues, c.IsBlobExternal, c.IsDescriptionColumn, c.IsHierarchyDisplay, c.IsForeignKey,
    		c.DoNotLogChanges, c.UID_DialogTable, c.IsMAllKeyMember
    	from dialogcolumn c with (nolock)
    	left outer join dialogcolumn b with (nolock) on c.uid_basecolumn = b.uid_dialogcolumn
    	left outer join dialogcolumn u with (nolock) on c.uid_dialogcolumnunionview = u.uid_dialogcolumn
    	where c.UID_DialogTable in ('QER-T-Person')
    2018-11-13 09:24:14	SqlLog	(1 ms) - select tc.UID_DialogTable, t.Assembly, t.FullTypeName
    from DialogCustomizer c with (nolock)
    join QBMClrType t with (nolock) on t.UID_QBMClrType = c.UID_QBMClrType
    join DialogTableHasCustomizer tc with (nolock) on tc.UID_Customizer = c.UID_Customizer
    where (tc.UID_DialogTable in ('QER-T-Person')) and (c.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor = 0)
    order by c.SortOrder
    2018-11-13 09:24:14	SqlLog	(7 ms) - select g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup, g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup, g.IgnoreEmptyValues, c.UID_DialogColumn, g.UID_DialogTable
    from QBMUniqueGroup g
    join QBMUniqueGroupHasColumn ghc on ghc.UID_QBMUniqueGroup = g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup
    join DialogColumn c on ghc.ObjectKeyDialogColumn = c.XObjectKey
    where g.UID_DialogTable in ('QER-T-Person')
    order by g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup
    2018-11-13 09:24:14	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_DialogTableBase, tablename from dialogtable with (nolock) where (UID_DialogTableBase in ('QER-T-Person')) and (isdeactivatedbypreprocessor = 0)
    2018-11-13 09:24:14	StopWatch	Getting Table/Person from cache. done in 19ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:17	SqlLog	(3054 ms) - select * from dbo.QBM_FTRightsMissingForDisplay(N'Person')
    2018-11-13 09:24:17	SqlLog	(2 ms) - select TGR.UID_DialogGroup, TGR.CanSee, TGR.CanEdit, TGR.CanInsert, TGR.CanDelete,
    TGR.SelectWhereClause, TGR.UpdateWhereClause, TGR.InsertWhereClause, TGR.DeleteWhereClause
    from DialogTableGroupRight TGR with (nolock)
    join DialogTable T with (nolock) on TGR.UID_DialogTable = T.UID_DialogTable
    where T.TableName = N'Person'
    2018-11-13 09:24:17	SqlLog	(1 ms) - select c.ColumnName, r.UID_DialogGroup, r.CanSee, r.CanEdit, r.CanInsert
    			                    from DialogColumnGroupRight r with (nolock)
    			                    join DialogColumn c with (nolock) on r.UID_DialogColumn = c.UID_DialogColumn
    								join DialogTable t with (nolock) on c.UID_DialogTable = t.UID_dialogTable
    			                    where t.TableName = N'Person'
    2018-11-13 09:24:17	StopWatch	Getting Permissions/Person from cache. done in 3.20s.
    2018-11-13 09:24:54	StopWatch	Getting features/default from cache. done in 7ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:54	SqlLog	(25 ms) - select RelationID, TP.TableName, TC.TableName, ParentRestriction, ParentExecuteBy, ChildRestriction, ChildExecuteBy, IsMNRelation, r.IsSpml,
    r.Caption, IsConnectedInTransport, CP.ColumnName, CC.ColumnName, r.IsForUpdateXDateSubItem
        from QBMRelation R with (nolock)
        join DialogColumn CP with (nolock) on R.UID_ParentColumn = CP.UID_DialogColumn
        join DialogTable TP with (nolock) on CP.UID_DialogTable = TP.UID_DialogTable
        join DialogColumn CC with (nolock) on R.UID_ChildColumn = CC.UID_DialogColumn
        join DialogTable TC with (nolock) on CC.UID_DialogTable = TC.UID_DialogTable
       where (TC.TableName = 'Person') or (TP.TableName = 'Person') order by R.RelationID desc
    2018-11-13 09:24:54	StopWatch	Getting Relations/Person from cache. done in 42ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:54	ObjectLog	Person: Getting collection, load type: Slim
    2018-11-13 09:24:54	SqlLog	(22 ms) - select UID_Person, PersonnelNumber from Person
    2018-11-13 09:24:54	ObjectLog	Collection: Run statement and fetch data done in 114ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:54	ObjectLog	Getting collection done in 115ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:55	ObjectLog	Person: Getting collection, load type: Slim
    2018-11-13 09:24:55	SqlLog	(2 ms) - select UID_Person, PersonnelNumber from Person
    2018-11-13 09:24:55	ObjectLog	Collection: Run statement and fetch data done in 85ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:55	ObjectLog	Getting collection done in 86ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:55	SqlLog	(1 ms) - 
    	select t.tablename, t.displaypattern, t.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor,
    	t.tabletype, tBase.TableName, t.uid_dialogtable, t.UsageType, t.uid_dialogimage, t.displayname,
    	datalength(t.OnSavingScript) as HasOnSaving,
    	datalength(t.OnSavedScript) as HasOnSaved,
    	datalength(t.OnLoadedScript) HasOnLoaded,
    	datalength(t.OnDiscardingScript) as HasOnDiscarding,
    	datalength(t.OnDiscardedScript) as HasOnDiscarded,
    	t.DefaultDisplayFKList, tProxy.TableName, t.ismntable, t.istransportdisabled,
    	t.ElementColor, t.IsResident, t.DisplayPatternLong, t.IsModuleGuidAllowed, t.IsModuleGuidDefault,
    	t.DeleteDelayDays, t.ScopeReferenceColumns, t.TransportWhereClause, t.IsMAllTable,
    	t.PendingChangeBehavior, t.DisplayNameSingular
    	from dialogtable t with (nolock)
        left outer join DialogTable tBase with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableBase = tBase.UID_DialogTable
        left outer join DialogTable tProxy with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableUnion = tProxy.UID_DialogTable
    	where t.tablename = N'DialogCountry'
    2018-11-13 09:24:55	SqlLog	(1 ms) - 
    		c.uid_dialogcolumn, c.columnname,
    		c.minlen as minlen,
    		c.maxlen as maxlen,
    		c.format as format,
    		c.isalternatepkmember, c.DateTimeDetail, c.isuid, c.ispkmember,
    		datalength(c.FormatScript)  as fmt,
    		c.hasdefaultvalue, c.iscrypted, c.MultiLanguageFlag, c.caption,
    		c.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, c.customcomment, b.columnname,
    		c.IndexWeight, c.ismultivalued, c.syntaxtype,
    		c.IsNoAutoExtendPermissions, c.haslimitedvalues, c.countdigits,
    		c.IsNoAutoTrim, c.commentary, c.istoignoreonexport, c.istoignoreonimport,
    		c.IsCustomConfigurable, c.IsSpml,
    		datalength(c.Template) as tmpl,
    		c.IsOverwritingTemplate as IsOverwritingTemplate,
    		c.SortOrder, c.IsFilterDesignerEnabled, c.ColumnGroup, c.IsParentConnectColumn,
    		c.IsDynamicFK, u.columnname, c.BitMaskConfig, c.IsMultiLineContent,
    		c.TemplateLimitationInternal, c.TemplateLimitationException,
    		c.LimitedValues, c.IsBlobExternal, c.IsDescriptionColumn, c.IsHierarchyDisplay, c.IsForeignKey,
    		c.DoNotLogChanges, c.UID_DialogTable, c.IsMAllKeyMember
    	from dialogcolumn c with (nolock)
    	left outer join dialogcolumn b with (nolock) on c.uid_basecolumn = b.uid_dialogcolumn
    	left outer join dialogcolumn u with (nolock) on c.uid_dialogcolumnunionview = u.uid_dialogcolumn
    	where c.UID_DialogTable in ('QBM-T-DialogCountry')
    2018-11-13 09:24:55	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select tc.UID_DialogTable, t.Assembly, t.FullTypeName
    from DialogCustomizer c with (nolock)
    join QBMClrType t with (nolock) on t.UID_QBMClrType = c.UID_QBMClrType
    join DialogTableHasCustomizer tc with (nolock) on tc.UID_Customizer = c.UID_Customizer
    where (tc.UID_DialogTable in ('QBM-T-DialogCountry')) and (c.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor = 0)
    order by c.SortOrder
    2018-11-13 09:24:55	SqlLog	(5 ms) - select g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup, g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup, g.IgnoreEmptyValues, c.UID_DialogColumn, g.UID_DialogTable
    from QBMUniqueGroup g
    join QBMUniqueGroupHasColumn ghc on ghc.UID_QBMUniqueGroup = g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup
    join DialogColumn c on ghc.ObjectKeyDialogColumn = c.XObjectKey
    where g.UID_DialogTable in ('QBM-T-DialogCountry')
    order by g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup
    2018-11-13 09:24:55	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_DialogTableBase, tablename from dialogtable with (nolock) where (UID_DialogTableBase in ('QBM-T-DialogCountry')) and (isdeactivatedbypreprocessor = 0)
    2018-11-13 09:24:55	StopWatch	Getting Table/DialogCountry from cache. done in 13ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:56	StopWatch	Getting Schema/DialogCountry from cache. done in 154ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:56	SqlLog	(228 ms) - select * from dbo.QBM_FTRightsMissingForDisplay(N'DialogCountry')
    2018-11-13 09:24:56	SqlLog	(1 ms) - select TGR.UID_DialogGroup, TGR.CanSee, TGR.CanEdit, TGR.CanInsert, TGR.CanDelete,
    TGR.SelectWhereClause, TGR.UpdateWhereClause, TGR.InsertWhereClause, TGR.DeleteWhereClause
    from DialogTableGroupRight TGR with (nolock)
    join DialogTable T with (nolock) on TGR.UID_DialogTable = T.UID_DialogTable
    where T.TableName = N'DialogCountry'
    2018-11-13 09:24:56	SqlLog	(1 ms) - select c.ColumnName, r.UID_DialogGroup, r.CanSee, r.CanEdit, r.CanInsert
    			                    from DialogColumnGroupRight r with (nolock)
    			                    join DialogColumn c with (nolock) on r.UID_DialogColumn = c.UID_DialogColumn
    								join DialogTable t with (nolock) on c.UID_DialogTable = t.UID_dialogTable
    			                    where t.TableName = N'DialogCountry'
    2018-11-13 09:24:56	StopWatch	Getting Permissions/DialogCountry from cache. done in 256ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:56	ObjectLog	DialogCountry: Getting collection, load type: Slim
    2018-11-13 09:24:56	SqlLog	(5 ms) - select UID_DialogCountry, Iso3166_2 from DialogCountry
    2018-11-13 09:24:56	ObjectLog	Collection: Run statement and fetch data done in 6ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:56	ObjectLog	Getting collection done in 6ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:56	ObjectLog	Person: Getting collection, load type: Slim
    2018-11-13 09:24:56	SqlLog	(3 ms) - select PersonnelNumber, CCC_BUN, CCC_UIDRecruiter, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, PreferredName, UID_PersonHead, CCC_SupervisorEmpID, CCC_ProjectNumber, CCC_ProjectNumberDesc, CCC_PSACode, CCC_PSACodeDesc, CCC_PersonnelArea, CCC_PersonnelAreaDesc, CCC_EntityCode, CCC_EntityCodeDesc, CCC_BaseArea, CCC_BaseAreaDesc, CCC_AssignedArea, CCC_AssignedAreaDesc, PersonalTitle, CCC_AsgnOrgCode, CCC_AsgnOrgCodeDesc, CCC_EmploymentStatus, CCC_EmploymentStatusDesc, CCC_EmpSubGroup, CCC_EmpSubGroupDesc, CCC_OrigHireDate, CCC_LastHireDate, CCC_AssignmentType, CCC_AssignmentTypeDesc, Phone, CCC_Phone2, Fax, PhoneMobile, CCC_Pager, CCC_WorkLocationCode, CCC_WorkLocation, CCC_MailLocation, CCC_PayrollOfficeCode, CCC_PayrollOfficeCodeDesc, CCC_WorkSchedule, CCC_AgencyCode, CCC_AgencyText, CCC_AgencyActionType, CCC_AgencyActionTypeText, CCC_AgencyConversion, CCC_AgencyActivationActionDate, CCC_AgencyDeactivationDate, CCC_BuildingKey, CCC_BuildingKeyDesc, City, CCC_State, CCC_Region, ZIPCode, CCC_OfficeType, CCC_BusinessGroup, CCC_BusinessGroupDesc, CCC_BusinessSubGroup, CCC_BusinessSubGroupDesc, CCC_TermDate, CCC_TermReason, UID_DialogCountry, CCC_NewUser, CCC_ExternalEmail, CCC_Transaction_type, CCC_EmployeeGroup, CCC_MOMIEmail, CCC_ADAccess, xmarkedfordeletion, UID_Person from Person
    2018-11-13 09:24:57	ObjectLog	Collection: Run statement and fetch data done in 1.45s.
    2018-11-13 09:24:57	ObjectLog	Getting collection done in 1.45s.
    2018-11-13 09:24:59	ObjectLog	Person: Creating new entity, creation type DelayedLogic
    2018-11-13 09:24:59	ObjectLog	Person.UID_Person = 00ccf26f-d6c7-41fb-b704-5d3cd6bd5fd5
    2018-11-13 09:24:59	ObjectLog	Creating new entity done in 16ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:59	ObjectLog	Old state: None, New state: PermissionBased
    2018-11-13 09:24:59	ObjectLog	Person.PersonnelNumber = 057373
    2018-11-13 09:24:59	ObjectLog	Write permission for CCC_BUN is denied because of: Group CanEdit
    2018-11-13 09:24:59	StopWatch	Getting MultiLanguage/QBM-CE1EB30E9F4B423B98CC18E610C997BA,en-US from cache. done in 3ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:59	SqlLog	(1 ms) - 
    	select t.tablename, t.displaypattern, t.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor,
    	t.tabletype, tBase.TableName, t.uid_dialogtable, t.UsageType, t.uid_dialogimage, t.displayname,
    	datalength(t.OnSavingScript) as HasOnSaving,
    	datalength(t.OnSavedScript) as HasOnSaved,
    	datalength(t.OnLoadedScript) HasOnLoaded,
    	datalength(t.OnDiscardingScript) as HasOnDiscarding,
    	datalength(t.OnDiscardedScript) as HasOnDiscarded,
    	t.DefaultDisplayFKList, tProxy.TableName, t.ismntable, t.istransportdisabled,
    	t.ElementColor, t.IsResident, t.DisplayPatternLong, t.IsModuleGuidAllowed, t.IsModuleGuidDefault,
    	t.DeleteDelayDays, t.ScopeReferenceColumns, t.TransportWhereClause, t.IsMAllTable,
    	t.PendingChangeBehavior, t.DisplayNameSingular
    	from dialogtable t with (nolock)
        left outer join DialogTable tBase with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableBase = tBase.UID_DialogTable
        left outer join DialogTable tProxy with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableUnion = tProxy.UID_DialogTable
    	where t.tablename = N'DialogColumn'
    2018-11-13 09:24:59	SqlLog	(1 ms) - 
    		c.uid_dialogcolumn, c.columnname,
    		c.minlen as minlen,
    		c.maxlen as maxlen,
    		c.format as format,
    		c.isalternatepkmember, c.DateTimeDetail, c.isuid, c.ispkmember,
    		datalength(c.FormatScript)  as fmt,
    		c.hasdefaultvalue, c.iscrypted, c.MultiLanguageFlag, c.caption,
    		c.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, c.customcomment, b.columnname,
    		c.IndexWeight, c.ismultivalued, c.syntaxtype,
    		c.IsNoAutoExtendPermissions, c.haslimitedvalues, c.countdigits,
    		c.IsNoAutoTrim, c.commentary, c.istoignoreonexport, c.istoignoreonimport,
    		c.IsCustomConfigurable, c.IsSpml,
    		datalength(c.Template) as tmpl,
    		c.IsOverwritingTemplate as IsOverwritingTemplate,
    		c.SortOrder, c.IsFilterDesignerEnabled, c.ColumnGroup, c.IsParentConnectColumn,
    		c.IsDynamicFK, u.columnname, c.BitMaskConfig, c.IsMultiLineContent,
    		c.TemplateLimitationInternal, c.TemplateLimitationException,
    		c.LimitedValues, c.IsBlobExternal, c.IsDescriptionColumn, c.IsHierarchyDisplay, c.IsForeignKey,
    		c.DoNotLogChanges, c.UID_DialogTable, c.IsMAllKeyMember
    	from dialogcolumn c with (nolock)
    	left outer join dialogcolumn b with (nolock) on c.uid_basecolumn = b.uid_dialogcolumn
    	left outer join dialogcolumn u with (nolock) on c.uid_dialogcolumnunionview = u.uid_dialogcolumn
    	where c.UID_DialogTable in ('QBM-T-DialogColumn')
    2018-11-13 09:24:59	SqlLog	(1 ms) - select tc.UID_DialogTable, t.Assembly, t.FullTypeName
    from DialogCustomizer c with (nolock)
    join QBMClrType t with (nolock) on t.UID_QBMClrType = c.UID_QBMClrType
    join DialogTableHasCustomizer tc with (nolock) on tc.UID_Customizer = c.UID_Customizer
    where (tc.UID_DialogTable in ('QBM-T-DialogColumn')) and (c.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor = 0)
    order by c.SortOrder
    2018-11-13 09:24:59	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup, g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup, g.IgnoreEmptyValues, c.UID_DialogColumn, g.UID_DialogTable
    from QBMUniqueGroup g
    join QBMUniqueGroupHasColumn ghc on ghc.UID_QBMUniqueGroup = g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup
    join DialogColumn c on ghc.ObjectKeyDialogColumn = c.XObjectKey
    where g.UID_DialogTable in ('QBM-T-DialogColumn')
    order by g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup
    2018-11-13 09:24:59	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select UID_DialogTableBase, tablename from dialogtable with (nolock) where (UID_DialogTableBase in ('QBM-T-DialogColumn')) and (isdeactivatedbypreprocessor = 0)
    2018-11-13 09:24:59	StopWatch	Getting Table/DialogColumn from cache. done in 8ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:59	StopWatch	Getting Schema/DialogColumn from cache. done in 159ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:59	StopWatch	Getting MultiLanguage/QBM-D666A28FA9F3402BB17F80C68530E4CB,en-US from cache. done in 3ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:59	StopWatch	Getting MultiLanguage/QBM-7262717EE68049A9BE2EEB30C6EC408B,en-US from cache. done in 8ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:59	StopWatch	Getting MultiLanguage/QBM-D666A28FA9F3402BB17F80C68530E4CB,en from cache. done in 1ms.
    2018-11-13 09:24:59	StopWatch	Getting MultiLanguage/QBM-7262717EE68049A9BE2EEB30C6EC408B,en from cache. done in 1ms.

  • Did you check the table AND column permissions on CCC_BUN?

  • Thanks Markus. I think permissions at the table level was what was needed and not at the column level

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