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Adding a URL


Can someone tell me how to make a label a URL.

I was able to add the label and put server action for a link but the URL will not open.

ANy help is appreciated.


  • Hi Lu,

    It looks correct - not sure what is going wrong. Can you post the HTML code that is generated?

    Also, there are plenty of examples for URL links in the Web Portal code (i.e. in the About dialog).



  • Hi Lu,

    It looks correct - not sure what is going wrong. Can you post the HTML code that is generated?

    Also, there are plenty of examples for URL links in the Web Portal code (i.e. in the About dialog).



  • Hanno, Thank you for the reply.

    Here is the code...

    <a id="F0_ctl00_ControlRef8_ControlRef15_ControlRef15_ControlRef12_Title_Title_Label6" class="LabelBlock" onclick="d1im.communication.postFromElement(this, '/IdentityManager/AEDSWebClient.axd?RuntimeFormID=cac036a6-4961-434d-8c7e-a34de13d7253&amp;aeweb_rp=&amp;ClientID=F0_ctl00_ControlRef8_ControlRef15_ControlRef15_ControlRef12_Title_Title_Label6_Method&amp;wproj=0', {});" href="javascript:void(0);">For help, see field tooltips and the instructions available on Prism.</a>

    I will look at the about dialog as you suggested. Although when i tried to look at other example they always seem to be scripts such as "getconfig("VI_Common_CompanyLink")"

    Thanks again,


  • I got it...

    On server action I did not need to choose Use URL for hyperlink.

    This allowed me to enter a url on the redirect