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WebDesinger: My custom component doesn't work in QBMWebApplication with debug=false


I have written a component in the WebDesigner and it works fine on our Development and Testenviroments.

In Production we have set the debug flag of the corresponding QBMWebApplication to false and it doesn't work.

It's reproducible also in the lower stages, when switching the debug flag to false and do a full recompile.

At the moment I have no clue, what could be the cause for the different behaviour. I'm not aware of using something which is bound to debug mode. (But I'm not the expert on that)

Is there any hints you can give me, what could be bring that problem?




the error was:

Collection CurrentESet does not exist for
at VI.WebRuntime.TableStore.GetTable(String tableName)
at VI.WebRuntime.CCC_Web.CCC_View_UrlToObjectKey.get_CurrentESet()
at VI.WebRuntime.CCC_Web.CCC_View_UrlToObjectKey.<<InitComponent>b__b>d__66.MoveNext()

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