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How to check user's last login details?


Is there any table where user's last login details to webportal is stored? 

  • Hi,

    select * from DialogJournal
           where ApplicationName = 'Web Portal Runtime'
           order by MessageDate desc

    By default, only failed logins will be recorded.

    If you want to record successful logins you have to enable the config parm:  Common\Journal\LoginAudit

    Note:  This will enable login logging for ALL applications - including the jobserver services.

    HTH, Barry.

    P.S. This assumes you are on V7 or above.

  • Hi,

    select * from DialogJournal
           where ApplicationName = 'Web Portal Runtime'
           order by MessageDate desc

    By default, only failed logins will be recorded.

    If you want to record successful logins you have to enable the config parm:  Common\Journal\LoginAudit

    Note:  This will enable login logging for ALL applications - including the jobserver services.

    HTH, Barry.

    P.S. This assumes you are on V7 or above.
