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Set more than one security question and answer


We want to set more than one security question and answer. Our version is 8.0. We know there is currently provision of setting only one security question but we were trying to make custom for 3 security questions.

In QER_PasswordWeb_session we saw there is one method being called QER_PasswordWeb_Authenticate(), which is working fine when column used is PasswordAnswer but when any other column is used, it throws an error of Parameter url can  not be null. We are not sure what is employed on PasswordAnswer column(encryption, hash). How can it be achieved for other columns. Also please let us know where this QER_PasswordWeb_Authenticate() method is defined in web designer and how to modify it.

  • Having more than one security question and answer is already build in 8.1. How to achieve this in 8.0 is an other thing and needs custom implementation.

  • Can you suggest how we can customize it in 8.0. We can see one method being called for encyrpting/hashing(as we are not sure what exactly this method is doing). We tried to use custom column as well but here it is throwing an error 

    "Parameter cannot be null :url"

    can you suggest how it can be achieved in version 8.0. Thank you

  • Hi Ruchita,

    the function QER_PasswordWeb_Authenticate is defined in the WebDesigner module QER_PasswordWeb_Session.

    But it is to complex to explain the complete customization for your use-case in a community thread.

    If you need assistance for complex customization operations, you may want to contact one of our several experienced implementation partners.

    I strongly recommend upgrading to 8.1 to use the OOTB feature instead of trying to implement your own version of it.

  • Hi Ruchita,

    the function QER_PasswordWeb_Authenticate is defined in the WebDesigner module QER_PasswordWeb_Session.

    But it is to complex to explain the complete customization for your use-case in a community thread.

    If you need assistance for complex customization operations, you may want to contact one of our several experienced implementation partners.

    I strongly recommend upgrading to 8.1 to use the OOTB feature instead of trying to implement your own version of it.

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