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Unique Email Address is not getting generated when data is imported via CSV file


I am working on version 8.0 and I am importing data via CSV feed file where in central account for the user will be coming from csv and we need to generate unique email address. Whenever I am trying to import data, it is generating unique email address per file and not per record in the file. Example, I import csv file which has 10 records so my email address script generates email address xyz which is common for all the 10 records in the csv file but this email address did not exist in the system before. I am not sure what is going wrong here. Value calculation template is as below

Dim defaultMailAddress As String
If Not $[Isloaded]:Bool$ Then
If Len($CentralAccount$) > 0 AndAlso Len ($UID_Person$) > 0 And Len($CCC_Geography$) > 0 Then

defaultMailAddress = CCC_Build_DefaultEmailAddress($FirstName$,$LastName$,$uid_person$,$CCC_Geography$)
If VID_IsSMTPAddress(defaultMailAddress) Then
Value = defaultMailAddress
End If
End If
End If

Can someone please help. Thank you.

  • Is the template marked as overwriting?

    How do you import the data?

    What is your script CCC_Build_DefaultEmailAddress doing?

  • no template is not marked "overwrites". I am using CSV connector to import the data and the script should generate unique email address for the users but it is generating same email address for all the users in csv having same first name and last name.

  • Next question, is the CSV workflow step marked as data import? (it has to)

    But even then, you need to mark the template as overwriting.

  • Data Import is marked in sync workflow and now I marked the template as overwriting still it is not generating unique email address 

  • Then you need to post the code of your script CCC_Build_DefaultEmailAddress because the error probably is located here.

  • We have tested this script in other environment having same One Identity Managaer version and it is working there. Only difference in these two environments is central account is also getting generated via script in other environment where in in this environment we are just getting central account via csv. Below is the script 

    Imports System.Collections.Generic
    Imports System.Data
    #End If

    Public Function CCC_Build_DefaultEmailAddress(ByVal Firstname1 As String, ByVal Lastname1 As String, ByVal uidperson As String, ByVal geography As String) As String

    Dim m As Int32 = 0
    Dim personAccnt As String = ""
    Dim account As String
    Dim prefix As String
    Dim maildom As String = String.Empty
    CCC_Build_DefaultEmailAddress = String.Empty
    Dim defaultemailaddress As String
    Dim llength As Int32
    Dim lalength As Int32
    Dim difference As Int32
    Dim difference1 As Int32
    Dim Firstname As String
    Dim Lastname As String
    Dim reader As SqlDataReader
    Dim con As New SqlConnection
    Dim f As ISQLFormatter = Connection.SqlFormatter
    Firstname = VID_FormatAndRemoveSpecialCharacters(Firstname1)
    Lastname = VID_FormatAndRemoveSpecialCharacters(Lastname1)
    If Firstname.Length > 0 And Lastname.Length > 0 Then
    account = Firstname & "." & Lastname
    End If

    account = VI_AE_FormatConvertUmlaut_Sonderzeichen(account)
    prefix = account

    If geography = "CA" Then
    maildom = ""
    maildom = Connection.GetConfigParm("QER\Person\DefaultMailDomain")
    End If
    If maildom = "" Then
    Exit Function
    If Not maildom.StartsWith("@") Then
    maildom = "@" & maildom
    End If
    End If

    ' fill existing addresses In a dictionary


    Dim ConnectionString As String = Connection.GetSingleProperty("DialogDatabase", "ConnectionString","")
    con.ConnectionString = ConnectionString

    Dim Query As String= "select DefaultEmailAddress from Person where DefaultEmailAddress like 'FSub%.LSub%DSub'"
    Dim existing As New List(Of String)
    Query = Query.Replace("FSub", Firstname.Substring(0,1))
    Query = Query.Replace("LSub", Lastname.Substring(0,1))
    Query = Query.Replace("DSub", maildom)

    Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(Query, con)


    reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()

    While reader.Read()

    End While

    defaultemailaddress = account & maildom
    If account.Length < 64 Then
    If Not existing.Contains(defaultemailaddress, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then
    Return defaultemailaddress
    End If
    End If

    While(m < 100)

    While(m < 10)
    If account.Length < 64 Then

    If Not existing.Contains(defaultemailaddress, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then
    Return defaultemailaddress
    End If
    account = Firstname & "." & Lastname & "0" & m
    defaultemailaddress = account & maildom
    llength = Lastname.Length
    difference = account.Length - 64
    Lastname = Lastname.Substring(0,(llength - difference - 2))
    account = Firstname & "." & Lastname & "0" & m
    defaultemailaddress = account & maildom
    End If
    m = m + 1

    End While
    While(m > 9)

    If account.Length < 64 Then
    If Not existing.Contains(defaultemailaddress, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then
    Return defaultemailaddress
    End If
    account = Firstname & "." & Lastname & m
    defaultemailaddress = account & maildom

    lalength = Lastname.Length
    difference1 = account.Length - 64
    Lastname = Lastname.Substring(0,(lalength - difference1 - 2))
    account = Firstname & "." & Lastname & "0" & m
    defaultemailaddress = account & maildom
    End If
    m = m + 1
    End While

    End While
    End Function

  • Honestly, I do not know where to start. I think I already advised strongly against the usage of direct SQL commands against the OneIM database and here we are again.

    The complete code passage around fetching a connection string from the database and using an SQL Reader to fetch something from the database is something that is against any coding practice for OneIM and is something that will stop to work in the moment you are encrypting the database (which should be the case in ANY production environment). In addition, this would stop you or your customer from using the application server as a connection method.

    Secondly, you already identified that your template works (somewhat) if you have a template on Centralaccount as well. You have to keep in mind, that the templates are not only executed once but multiple times. The times depend on the number of executions triggered by data changes on notifying columns ($columnname generates a notification trigger) and of course the code you are providing.

    My advice is to take a look at the default template for Person.DefaultEmailaddress and the script VI_AE_CreatedefaultMailAddress and use them as a base to implement your modifications.