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Unique Email Address is not getting generated when data is imported via CSV file


I am working on version 8.0 and I am importing data via CSV feed file where in central account for the user will be coming from csv and we need to generate unique email address. Whenever I am trying to import data, it is generating unique email address per file and not per record in the file. Example, I import csv file which has 10 records so my email address script generates email address xyz which is common for all the 10 records in the csv file but this email address did not exist in the system before. I am not sure what is going wrong here. Value calculation template is as below

Dim defaultMailAddress As String
If Not $[Isloaded]:Bool$ Then
If Len($CentralAccount$) > 0 AndAlso Len ($UID_Person$) > 0 And Len($CCC_Geography$) > 0 Then

defaultMailAddress = CCC_Build_DefaultEmailAddress($FirstName$,$LastName$,$uid_person$,$CCC_Geography$)
If VID_IsSMTPAddress(defaultMailAddress) Then
Value = defaultMailAddress
End If
End If
End If

Can someone please help. Thank you.