First time installation woes

Hello everyone,

Trying to install 1IM for the first time in preparation for some more advanced training.

When I install 1IM on Windows 2016 with SQL Server 2017 I am presented with a couple of issues.

First off at the end Schema Installation process when running the configuration wizard I get a message that ADS.Customizer.DLL cannot be found, however it's in my \OIM81\Modules\ADS\install\bin folder.

If I clear that error, I'm told that I can log on with a system administrator login. I've tried the local admin account, the OneIM_Administrator Account and ever database accounts, but nothing has worked. This is the error trace I got:

[810284] Failed to authenticate user.
at VI.DB.Entities.SessionFactoryImpl.<OpenAsync>d__15.MoveNext()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at VI.DB.Entities.SessionFactoryImpl.<_OpenAsync>d__18.MoveNext()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at VI.DB.Entities.SessionFactoryImpl.<>c__DisplayClass15_0.<<OpenAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at VI.DB.Auth.DbAuthenticator.<AuthenticateAsync>d__10.MoveNext()
[810015] Login for user sa failed.
at VI.DB.Auth.DbAuthenticator.<AuthenticateAsync>d__10.MoveNext()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at VI.DB.Auth.AuthModDialogUser.<AuthenticateAsync>d__2.MoveNext()
[810017] Wrong user name or password.
at VI.DB.Auth.AuthModDialogUser.<AuthenticateAsync>d__2.MoveNext()
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at VI.DB.Auth.AuthModDialogUser.<AuthenticateAsync>d__2.MoveNext()
at VI.DB.Auth.AuthModDialogUser._CheckPassword(IHashFunction hashFunction, String hash, SecureString pwd)

Can anyone provide some advice / documentation for dealing with this?

Also on another note, I'm looking for some good documentation on installing 1IM in a one server environment for a lab setup.



  • Please check ensure you have SQL2017 latest CU as well as the required .NET framework installed. OIM8.1 installation is the wizard driven step-by-step. After software installed you run configuration wizard to create OneIM database on SQL2017 (w/ CU installed) to simply accept default settings for lab environment (add additional modules as need). For 1st time lab practice you may use SQL user account w/ sysadmin role to establish database connection. HTH 

  • According to Microsoft update, all components are up to date, but I'll check manually as well shortly. However I am confused what the database update would have to do with this error, particularly considering that the file is on the VM.

    Can I bypass this error somehow? I chose the AD (but not exchange or Sharepoint) and just the Azure connectors.  I'm assuming the DLL is related to those. connectors.

  • According to Microsoft update, all components are up to date, but I'll check manually as well shortly. However I am confused what the database update would have to do with this error, particularly considering that the file is on the VM.

    Can I bypass this error somehow? I chose the AD (but not exchange or Sharepoint) and just the Azure connectors.  I'm assuming the DLL is related to those. connectors.

  • I ran into the issue during compilation when I installed v8.1 on SQL2017 without any CUs and the issue disappeared after the CU installed. You could accept the defaults plus to add Azure AD module during the installation. Give a try with fresh install then.

  • So I installed CU4 and got the following trace. I'm just wondering now, is there a "proper" way to drop the previous database instance? I've been dropping the db, user, and role via SQL Management Studio but I'm not sure if that's the best way to go about things. Also I saw you said defaults + Azure, any issues if I just go AD?

    [810086] Error compiling script Unknown script. (0,0): Compiler invocation error.
    at VI.DB.Entities.SessionFactoryImpl.<OpenAsync>d__15.MoveNext()
    at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
    at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
    at VI.DB.Entities.SessionFactoryImpl.<_OpenAsync>d__18.MoveNext()
    at VI.DB.Entities.SessionFactoryImpl._CheckSession(ISession session)
    at VI.DB.Services.Resolve[T]()
    at VI.Base.IoC.LifetimeScopeImpl.Resolve[T]()
    at VI.Base.IoC.LifetimeScopeImpl._InternalResolve[T](LifetimeScopeImpl requestingScope, String name, T& ret)
    at VI.Base.IoC.LifetimeScopeImpl._InternalResolve[T](LifetimeScopeImpl requestingScope, String name, T& ret)
    at VI.Base.IoC.LifetimeScopeImpl._GetOrCreate[T](LifetimeScopeImpl requestingScope, ComponentRegistration registration)
    at VI.Base.IoC.ContainerBuilder.<>c__DisplayClass5_0`1.<Register>b__0(IComponentContext ctx)
    at VI.DB.BootStrapper.<>c.<RegisterCommon>b__1_12(IComponentContext ctx)
    at VI.DB.Scripting.ScriptEnvironment..ctor(IDialogSemaphorSupervisor semaphors, IScriptSupplier supplier)
    at VI.DB.Compile.DialogCompilingScriptSupplier.GetProviders(String cacheDir)
    at VI.DB.Compile.DialogCompilingScriptSupplier.CreateCompilingAssemblyProvider(Func`2 getProvider, String key, String cacheDir)
    at System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2.GetOrAdd(TKey key, Func`2 valueFactory)
    at VI.DB.Compile.DialogCompilingScriptSupplier.<>c.<_GetScriptClass>b__14_0(IDynamicAssemblyProvider p)
    at VI.DB.Scripting.DynamicAssemblyProviderBase.GetScriptAssembly()
    at VI.DB.Compile.CompilingAssemblyProvider.CreateScriptAssembly()
    at VI.DB.Compile.ScriptCompiler.Compile(String[] preprocessorDefines)
    at VI.DB.Compile.ScriptAssemblyCompiler.CompileSource(IScriptAssembly assembly, String source, String[] preprocessorDefines)
    [57335001] Could not find referenced assembly ADS.Customizer.dll.
    at VI.DB.Compile.ScriptAssemblyCompiler.CompileSource(IScriptAssembly assembly, String source, String[] preprocessorDefines)
    at VI.DB.Compile.VbCompiler.CompileAssembly(IScriptAssembly assembly, String source, String sourceFile, IEnumerable`1 preprocessorDefines, IEnumerable`1 references, ScriptCompilerOptions options)
    at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.VisualBasicCompilation.Create(String assemblyName, VisualBasicCompilationOptions options, IEnumerable`1 syntaxTrees, IEnumerable`1 references, VisualBasicCompilation previousSubmission, Type returnType, Type hostObjectType, Boolean isSubmission)
    at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Compilation.ValidateReferences[T](IEnumerable`1 references)
    at System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableArray.CreateRange[T](IEnumerable`1 items)
    at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
    at System.Linq.Buffer`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 source)
    at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
    at System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2.GetOrAdd(TKey key, Func`2 valueFactory)
    at VI.DB.Compile.AssemblyCompiler.<>c.<FindAssembly>g__FindReference|3_0(String f)

    Crash report:

    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (3 ms) - select tc.UID_DialogTable, t.Assembly, t.FullTypeName
    from DialogCustomizer c with (nolock)
    join QBMClrType t with (nolock) on t.UID_QBMClrType = c.UID_QBMClrType
    join DialogTableHasCustomizer tc with (nolock) on tc.UID_Customizer = c.UID_Customizer
    where (tc.UID_DialogTable in ('LDP-T-LDAPContainer')) and (isnull(c.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor, 0) = 0)
    order by c.SortOrder

    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (3 ms) - select g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup, g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup, g.IgnoreEmptyValues, c.UID_DialogColumn, g.UID_DialogTable
    from QBMUniqueGroup g
    join QBMUniqueGroupHasColumn ghc on ghc.UID_QBMUniqueGroup = g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup
    join DialogColumn c on ghc.ObjectKeyDialogColumn = c.XObjectKey
    where g.UID_DialogTable in ('LDP-T-LDAPContainer')
    order by g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (1 ms) - select UID_DialogTableBase, tablename from dialogtable with (nolock) where (UID_DialogTableBase in ('LDP-T-LDAPContainer')) and (isnull(isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, 0) = 0)
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 StopWatch Getting Table/LDAPContainer from cache. done in 20ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 StopWatch Getting Schema/LDAPContainer from cache. done in 102ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (16 ms) - select RelationID, TP.TableName, TC.TableName, ParentRestriction, ParentExecuteBy, ChildRestriction, ChildExecuteBy, IsMNRelation, r.IsSpml,
    r.Caption, IsConnectedInTransport, CP.ColumnName, CC.ColumnName, r.IsForUpdateXDateSubItem, r.IsForAddElementAffected
    from QBMRelation R with (nolock)
    join DialogColumn CP with (nolock) on R.UID_ParentColumn = CP.UID_DialogColumn
    join DialogTable TP with (nolock) on CP.UID_DialogTable = TP.UID_DialogTable
    join DialogColumn CC with (nolock) on R.UID_ChildColumn = CC.UID_DialogColumn
    join DialogTable TC with (nolock) on CC.UID_DialogTable = TC.UID_DialogTable
    where (TC.TableName = 'LDAPContainer') or (TP.TableName = 'LDAPContainer') order by R.RelationID desc
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 StopWatch Getting Relations/LDAPContainer from cache. done in 17ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (5 ms) -
    select t.tablename, t.displaypattern, t.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor,
    t.tabletype, tBase.TableName, t.uid_dialogtable, t.UsageType, t.uid_dialogimage, t.displayname,
    datalength(t.OnSavingScript) as HasOnSaving,
    datalength(t.OnSavedScript) as HasOnSaved,
    datalength(t.OnLoadedScript) HasOnLoaded,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardingScript) as HasOnDiscarding,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardedScript) as HasOnDiscarded,
    t.DefaultDisplayFKList, tProxy.TableName, t.ismntable, t.istransportdisabled,
    t.ElementColor, t.IsResident, t.DisplayPatternLong, t.IsModuleGuidAllowed, t.IsModuleGuidDefault,
    t.DeleteDelayDays, t.ScopeReferenceColumns, t.TransportWhereClause, t.IsMAllTable,
    t.PendingChangeBehavior, t.DisplayNameSingular
    from dialogtable t with (nolock)
    left outer join DialogTable tBase with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableBase = tBase.UID_DialogTable
    left outer join DialogTable tProxy with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableUnion = tProxy.UID_DialogTable
    where t.tablename = N'LDPDomain'
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (5 ms) -
    c.uid_dialogcolumn, c.columnname,
    c.minlen as minlen,
    c.maxlen as maxlen,
    c.format as format,
    c.isalternatepkmember, c.DateTimeDetail, c.isuid, c.ispkmember,
    datalength(c.FormatScript) as fmt,
    c.hasdefaultvalue, c.iscrypted, c.MultiLanguageFlag, c.caption,
    c.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, c.customcomment, b.columnname,
    c.IndexWeight, c.ismultivalued, c.syntaxtype,
    c.IsNoAutoExtendPermissions, c.haslimitedvalues, c.countdigits,
    c.IsNoAutoTrim, c.commentary, c.istoignoreonexport, c.istoignoreonimport,
    c.IsCustomConfigurable, c.IsSpml,
    datalength(c.Template) as tmpl,
    c.IsOverwritingTemplate as IsOverwritingTemplate,
    c.SortOrder, c.IsFilterDesignerEnabled, c.ColumnGroup, c.IsParentConnectColumn,
    c.IsDynamicFK, u.columnname, c.BitMaskConfig, c.IsMultiLineContent,
    c.TemplateLimitationInternal, c.TemplateLimitationException,
    c.LimitedValues, c.IsBlobExternal, c.IsDescriptionColumn, c.IsHierarchyDisplay, c.IsForeignKey,
    c.DoNotLogChanges, c.UID_DialogTable, c.IsMAllKeyMember,
    datalength(c.CanSeeScript) as HasCanSeeScript, datalength(c.CanEditScript) as HasCanEditScript,
    from dialogcolumn c with (nolock)
    left outer join dialogcolumn b with (nolock) on c.uid_basecolumn = b.uid_dialogcolumn
    left outer join dialogcolumn u with (nolock) on c.uid_dialogcolumnunionview = u.uid_dialogcolumn
    where c.UID_DialogTable in ('LDP-T-LDPDomain')
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (2 ms) - select tc.UID_DialogTable, t.Assembly, t.FullTypeName
    from DialogCustomizer c with (nolock)
    join QBMClrType t with (nolock) on t.UID_QBMClrType = c.UID_QBMClrType
    join DialogTableHasCustomizer tc with (nolock) on tc.UID_Customizer = c.UID_Customizer
    where (tc.UID_DialogTable in ('LDP-T-LDPDomain')) and (isnull(c.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor, 0) = 0)
    order by c.SortOrder

    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (3 ms) - select g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup, g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup, g.IgnoreEmptyValues, c.UID_DialogColumn, g.UID_DialogTable
    from QBMUniqueGroup g
    join QBMUniqueGroupHasColumn ghc on ghc.UID_QBMUniqueGroup = g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup
    join DialogColumn c on ghc.ObjectKeyDialogColumn = c.XObjectKey
    where g.UID_DialogTable in ('LDP-T-LDPDomain')
    order by g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (1 ms) - select UID_DialogTableBase, tablename from dialogtable with (nolock) where (UID_DialogTableBase in ('LDP-T-LDPDomain')) and (isnull(isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, 0) = 0)
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 StopWatch Getting Table/LDPDomain from cache. done in 19ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 StopWatch Getting Schema/LDPDomain from cache. done in 103ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (4 ms) -
    select t.tablename, t.displaypattern, t.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor,
    t.tabletype, tBase.TableName, t.uid_dialogtable, t.UsageType, t.uid_dialogimage, t.displayname,
    datalength(t.OnSavingScript) as HasOnSaving,
    datalength(t.OnSavedScript) as HasOnSaved,
    datalength(t.OnLoadedScript) HasOnLoaded,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardingScript) as HasOnDiscarding,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardedScript) as HasOnDiscarded,
    t.DefaultDisplayFKList, tProxy.TableName, t.ismntable, t.istransportdisabled,
    t.ElementColor, t.IsResident, t.DisplayPatternLong, t.IsModuleGuidAllowed, t.IsModuleGuidDefault,
    t.DeleteDelayDays, t.ScopeReferenceColumns, t.TransportWhereClause, t.IsMAllTable,
    t.PendingChangeBehavior, t.DisplayNameSingular
    from dialogtable t with (nolock)
    left outer join DialogTable tBase with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableBase = tBase.UID_DialogTable
    left outer join DialogTable tProxy with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableUnion = tProxy.UID_DialogTable
    where t.tablename = N'Person'
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (6 ms) -
    c.uid_dialogcolumn, c.columnname,
    c.minlen as minlen,
    c.maxlen as maxlen,
    c.format as format,
    c.isalternatepkmember, c.DateTimeDetail, c.isuid, c.ispkmember,
    datalength(c.FormatScript) as fmt,
    c.hasdefaultvalue, c.iscrypted, c.MultiLanguageFlag, c.caption,
    c.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, c.customcomment, b.columnname,
    c.IndexWeight, c.ismultivalued, c.syntaxtype,
    c.IsNoAutoExtendPermissions, c.haslimitedvalues, c.countdigits,
    c.IsNoAutoTrim, c.commentary, c.istoignoreonexport, c.istoignoreonimport,
    c.IsCustomConfigurable, c.IsSpml,
    datalength(c.Template) as tmpl,
    c.IsOverwritingTemplate as IsOverwritingTemplate,
    c.SortOrder, c.IsFilterDesignerEnabled, c.ColumnGroup, c.IsParentConnectColumn,
    c.IsDynamicFK, u.columnname, c.BitMaskConfig, c.IsMultiLineContent,
    c.TemplateLimitationInternal, c.TemplateLimitationException,
    c.LimitedValues, c.IsBlobExternal, c.IsDescriptionColumn, c.IsHierarchyDisplay, c.IsForeignKey,
    c.DoNotLogChanges, c.UID_DialogTable, c.IsMAllKeyMember,
    datalength(c.CanSeeScript) as HasCanSeeScript, datalength(c.CanEditScript) as HasCanEditScript,
    from dialogcolumn c with (nolock)
    left outer join dialogcolumn b with (nolock) on c.uid_basecolumn = b.uid_dialogcolumn
    left outer join dialogcolumn u with (nolock) on c.uid_dialogcolumnunionview = u.uid_dialogcolumn
    where c.UID_DialogTable in ('QER-T-Person')
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (4 ms) - select tc.UID_DialogTable, t.Assembly, t.FullTypeName
    from DialogCustomizer c with (nolock)
    join QBMClrType t with (nolock) on t.UID_QBMClrType = c.UID_QBMClrType
    join DialogTableHasCustomizer tc with (nolock) on tc.UID_Customizer = c.UID_Customizer
    where (tc.UID_DialogTable in ('QER-T-Person')) and (isnull(c.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor, 0) = 0)
    order by c.SortOrder

    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (3 ms) - select g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup, g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup, g.IgnoreEmptyValues, c.UID_DialogColumn, g.UID_DialogTable
    from QBMUniqueGroup g
    join QBMUniqueGroupHasColumn ghc on ghc.UID_QBMUniqueGroup = g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup
    join DialogColumn c on ghc.ObjectKeyDialogColumn = c.XObjectKey
    where g.UID_DialogTable in ('QER-T-Person')
    order by g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (1 ms) - select UID_DialogTableBase, tablename from dialogtable with (nolock) where (UID_DialogTableBase in ('QER-T-Person')) and (isnull(isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, 0) = 0)
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 StopWatch Getting Table/Person from cache. done in 23ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 StopWatch Getting Schema/Person from cache. done in 110ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (4 ms) -
    select t.tablename, t.displaypattern, t.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor,
    t.tabletype, tBase.TableName, t.uid_dialogtable, t.UsageType, t.uid_dialogimage, t.displayname,
    datalength(t.OnSavingScript) as HasOnSaving,
    datalength(t.OnSavedScript) as HasOnSaved,
    datalength(t.OnLoadedScript) HasOnLoaded,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardingScript) as HasOnDiscarding,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardedScript) as HasOnDiscarded,
    t.DefaultDisplayFKList, tProxy.TableName, t.ismntable, t.istransportdisabled,
    t.ElementColor, t.IsResident, t.DisplayPatternLong, t.IsModuleGuidAllowed, t.IsModuleGuidDefault,
    t.DeleteDelayDays, t.ScopeReferenceColumns, t.TransportWhereClause, t.IsMAllTable,
    t.PendingChangeBehavior, t.DisplayNameSingular
    from dialogtable t with (nolock)
    left outer join DialogTable tBase with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableBase = tBase.UID_DialogTable
    left outer join DialogTable tProxy with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableUnion = tProxy.UID_DialogTable
    where t.tablename = N'Department'
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (5 ms) -
    c.uid_dialogcolumn, c.columnname,
    c.minlen as minlen,
    c.maxlen as maxlen,
    c.format as format,
    c.isalternatepkmember, c.DateTimeDetail, c.isuid, c.ispkmember,
    datalength(c.FormatScript) as fmt,
    c.hasdefaultvalue, c.iscrypted, c.MultiLanguageFlag, c.caption,
    c.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, c.customcomment, b.columnname,
    c.IndexWeight, c.ismultivalued, c.syntaxtype,
    c.IsNoAutoExtendPermissions, c.haslimitedvalues, c.countdigits,
    c.IsNoAutoTrim, c.commentary, c.istoignoreonexport, c.istoignoreonimport,
    c.IsCustomConfigurable, c.IsSpml,
    datalength(c.Template) as tmpl,
    c.IsOverwritingTemplate as IsOverwritingTemplate,
    c.SortOrder, c.IsFilterDesignerEnabled, c.ColumnGroup, c.IsParentConnectColumn,
    c.IsDynamicFK, u.columnname, c.BitMaskConfig, c.IsMultiLineContent,
    c.TemplateLimitationInternal, c.TemplateLimitationException,
    c.LimitedValues, c.IsBlobExternal, c.IsDescriptionColumn, c.IsHierarchyDisplay, c.IsForeignKey,
    c.DoNotLogChanges, c.UID_DialogTable, c.IsMAllKeyMember,
    datalength(c.CanSeeScript) as HasCanSeeScript, datalength(c.CanEditScript) as HasCanEditScript,
    from dialogcolumn c with (nolock)
    left outer join dialogcolumn b with (nolock) on c.uid_basecolumn = b.uid_dialogcolumn
    left outer join dialogcolumn u with (nolock) on c.uid_dialogcolumnunionview = u.uid_dialogcolumn
    where c.UID_DialogTable in ('QER-T-Department')
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (2 ms) - select tc.UID_DialogTable, t.Assembly, t.FullTypeName
    from DialogCustomizer c with (nolock)
    join QBMClrType t with (nolock) on t.UID_QBMClrType = c.UID_QBMClrType
    join DialogTableHasCustomizer tc with (nolock) on tc.UID_Customizer = c.UID_Customizer
    where (tc.UID_DialogTable in ('QER-T-Department')) and (isnull(c.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor, 0) = 0)
    order by c.SortOrder

    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (4 ms) - select g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup, g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup, g.IgnoreEmptyValues, c.UID_DialogColumn, g.UID_DialogTable
    from QBMUniqueGroup g
    join QBMUniqueGroupHasColumn ghc on ghc.UID_QBMUniqueGroup = g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup
    join DialogColumn c on ghc.ObjectKeyDialogColumn = c.XObjectKey
    where g.UID_DialogTable in ('QER-T-Department')
    order by g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 StopWatch Getting Table/Department from cache. done in 18ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 StopWatch Getting Schema/Department from cache. done in 101ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (15 ms) - select RelationID, TP.TableName, TC.TableName, ParentRestriction, ParentExecuteBy, ChildRestriction, ChildExecuteBy, IsMNRelation, r.IsSpml,
    r.Caption, IsConnectedInTransport, CP.ColumnName, CC.ColumnName, r.IsForUpdateXDateSubItem, r.IsForAddElementAffected
    from QBMRelation R with (nolock)
    join DialogColumn CP with (nolock) on R.UID_ParentColumn = CP.UID_DialogColumn
    join DialogTable TP with (nolock) on CP.UID_DialogTable = TP.UID_DialogTable
    join DialogColumn CC with (nolock) on R.UID_ChildColumn = CC.UID_DialogColumn
    join DialogTable TC with (nolock) on CC.UID_DialogTable = TC.UID_DialogTable
    where (TC.TableName = 'Person') or (TP.TableName = 'Person') order by R.RelationID desc
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 StopWatch Getting Relations/Person from cache. done in 16ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (15 ms) - select RelationID, TP.TableName, TC.TableName, ParentRestriction, ParentExecuteBy, ChildRestriction, ChildExecuteBy, IsMNRelation, r.IsSpml,
    r.Caption, IsConnectedInTransport, CP.ColumnName, CC.ColumnName, r.IsForUpdateXDateSubItem, r.IsForAddElementAffected
    from QBMRelation R with (nolock)
    join DialogColumn CP with (nolock) on R.UID_ParentColumn = CP.UID_DialogColumn
    join DialogTable TP with (nolock) on CP.UID_DialogTable = TP.UID_DialogTable
    join DialogColumn CC with (nolock) on R.UID_ChildColumn = CC.UID_DialogColumn
    join DialogTable TC with (nolock) on CC.UID_DialogTable = TC.UID_DialogTable
    where (TC.TableName = 'Department') or (TP.TableName = 'Department') order by R.RelationID desc
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 StopWatch Getting Relations/Department from cache. done in 16ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (5 ms) -
    select t.tablename, t.displaypattern, t.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor,
    t.tabletype, tBase.TableName, t.uid_dialogtable, t.UsageType, t.uid_dialogimage, t.displayname,
    datalength(t.OnSavingScript) as HasOnSaving,
    datalength(t.OnSavedScript) as HasOnSaved,
    datalength(t.OnLoadedScript) HasOnLoaded,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardingScript) as HasOnDiscarding,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardedScript) as HasOnDiscarded,
    t.DefaultDisplayFKList, tProxy.TableName, t.ismntable, t.istransportdisabled,
    t.ElementColor, t.IsResident, t.DisplayPatternLong, t.IsModuleGuidAllowed, t.IsModuleGuidDefault,
    t.DeleteDelayDays, t.ScopeReferenceColumns, t.TransportWhereClause, t.IsMAllTable,
    t.PendingChangeBehavior, t.DisplayNameSingular
    from dialogtable t with (nolock)
    left outer join DialogTable tBase with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableBase = tBase.UID_DialogTable
    left outer join DialogTable tProxy with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableUnion = tProxy.UID_DialogTable
    where t.tablename = N'Locality'
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (5 ms) -
    c.uid_dialogcolumn, c.columnname,
    c.minlen as minlen,
    c.maxlen as maxlen,
    c.format as format,
    c.isalternatepkmember, c.DateTimeDetail, c.isuid, c.ispkmember,
    datalength(c.FormatScript) as fmt,
    c.hasdefaultvalue, c.iscrypted, c.MultiLanguageFlag, c.caption,
    c.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, c.customcomment, b.columnname,
    c.IndexWeight, c.ismultivalued, c.syntaxtype,
    c.IsNoAutoExtendPermissions, c.haslimitedvalues, c.countdigits,
    c.IsNoAutoTrim, c.commentary, c.istoignoreonexport, c.istoignoreonimport,
    c.IsCustomConfigurable, c.IsSpml,
    datalength(c.Template) as tmpl,
    c.IsOverwritingTemplate as IsOverwritingTemplate,
    c.SortOrder, c.IsFilterDesignerEnabled, c.ColumnGroup, c.IsParentConnectColumn,
    c.IsDynamicFK, u.columnname, c.BitMaskConfig, c.IsMultiLineContent,
    c.TemplateLimitationInternal, c.TemplateLimitationException,
    c.LimitedValues, c.IsBlobExternal, c.IsDescriptionColumn, c.IsHierarchyDisplay, c.IsForeignKey,
    c.DoNotLogChanges, c.UID_DialogTable, c.IsMAllKeyMember,
    datalength(c.CanSeeScript) as HasCanSeeScript, datalength(c.CanEditScript) as HasCanEditScript,
    from dialogcolumn c with (nolock)
    left outer join dialogcolumn b with (nolock) on c.uid_basecolumn = b.uid_dialogcolumn
    left outer join dialogcolumn u with (nolock) on c.uid_dialogcolumnunionview = u.uid_dialogcolumn
    where c.UID_DialogTable in ('QER-T-Locality')
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (2 ms) - select tc.UID_DialogTable, t.Assembly, t.FullTypeName
    from DialogCustomizer c with (nolock)
    join QBMClrType t with (nolock) on t.UID_QBMClrType = c.UID_QBMClrType
    join DialogTableHasCustomizer tc with (nolock) on tc.UID_Customizer = c.UID_Customizer
    where (tc.UID_DialogTable in ('QER-T-Locality')) and (isnull(c.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor, 0) = 0)
    order by c.SortOrder

    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (3 ms) - select g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup, g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup, g.IgnoreEmptyValues, c.UID_DialogColumn, g.UID_DialogTable
    from QBMUniqueGroup g
    join QBMUniqueGroupHasColumn ghc on ghc.UID_QBMUniqueGroup = g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup
    join DialogColumn c on ghc.ObjectKeyDialogColumn = c.XObjectKey
    where g.UID_DialogTable in ('QER-T-Locality')
    order by g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 StopWatch Getting Table/Locality from cache. done in 18ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 StopWatch Getting Schema/Locality from cache. done in 100ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (15 ms) - select RelationID, TP.TableName, TC.TableName, ParentRestriction, ParentExecuteBy, ChildRestriction, ChildExecuteBy, IsMNRelation, r.IsSpml,
    r.Caption, IsConnectedInTransport, CP.ColumnName, CC.ColumnName, r.IsForUpdateXDateSubItem, r.IsForAddElementAffected
    from QBMRelation R with (nolock)
    join DialogColumn CP with (nolock) on R.UID_ParentColumn = CP.UID_DialogColumn
    join DialogTable TP with (nolock) on CP.UID_DialogTable = TP.UID_DialogTable
    join DialogColumn CC with (nolock) on R.UID_ChildColumn = CC.UID_DialogColumn
    join DialogTable TC with (nolock) on CC.UID_DialogTable = TC.UID_DialogTable
    where (TC.TableName = 'Locality') or (TP.TableName = 'Locality') order by R.RelationID desc
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 StopWatch Getting Relations/Locality from cache. done in 16ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (4 ms) -
    select t.tablename, t.displaypattern, t.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor,
    t.tabletype, tBase.TableName, t.uid_dialogtable, t.UsageType, t.uid_dialogimage, t.displayname,
    datalength(t.OnSavingScript) as HasOnSaving,
    datalength(t.OnSavedScript) as HasOnSaved,
    datalength(t.OnLoadedScript) HasOnLoaded,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardingScript) as HasOnDiscarding,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardedScript) as HasOnDiscarded,
    t.DefaultDisplayFKList, tProxy.TableName, t.ismntable, t.istransportdisabled,
    t.ElementColor, t.IsResident, t.DisplayPatternLong, t.IsModuleGuidAllowed, t.IsModuleGuidDefault,
    t.DeleteDelayDays, t.ScopeReferenceColumns, t.TransportWhereClause, t.IsMAllTable,
    t.PendingChangeBehavior, t.DisplayNameSingular
    from dialogtable t with (nolock)
    left outer join DialogTable tBase with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableBase = tBase.UID_DialogTable
    left outer join DialogTable tProxy with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableUnion = tProxy.UID_DialogTable
    where t.tablename = N'ProfitCenter'
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (5 ms) -
    c.uid_dialogcolumn, c.columnname,
    c.minlen as minlen,
    c.maxlen as maxlen,
    c.format as format,
    c.isalternatepkmember, c.DateTimeDetail, c.isuid, c.ispkmember,
    datalength(c.FormatScript) as fmt,
    c.hasdefaultvalue, c.iscrypted, c.MultiLanguageFlag, c.caption,
    c.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, c.customcomment, b.columnname,
    c.IndexWeight, c.ismultivalued, c.syntaxtype,
    c.IsNoAutoExtendPermissions, c.haslimitedvalues, c.countdigits,
    c.IsNoAutoTrim, c.commentary, c.istoignoreonexport, c.istoignoreonimport,
    c.IsCustomConfigurable, c.IsSpml,
    datalength(c.Template) as tmpl,
    c.IsOverwritingTemplate as IsOverwritingTemplate,
    c.SortOrder, c.IsFilterDesignerEnabled, c.ColumnGroup, c.IsParentConnectColumn,
    c.IsDynamicFK, u.columnname, c.BitMaskConfig, c.IsMultiLineContent,
    c.TemplateLimitationInternal, c.TemplateLimitationException,
    c.LimitedValues, c.IsBlobExternal, c.IsDescriptionColumn, c.IsHierarchyDisplay, c.IsForeignKey,
    c.DoNotLogChanges, c.UID_DialogTable, c.IsMAllKeyMember,
    datalength(c.CanSeeScript) as HasCanSeeScript, datalength(c.CanEditScript) as HasCanEditScript,
    from dialogcolumn c with (nolock)
    left outer join dialogcolumn b with (nolock) on c.uid_basecolumn = b.uid_dialogcolumn
    left outer join dialogcolumn u with (nolock) on c.uid_dialogcolumnunionview = u.uid_dialogcolumn
    where c.UID_DialogTable in ('QER-T-ProfitCenter')
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (3 ms) - select tc.UID_DialogTable, t.Assembly, t.FullTypeName
    from DialogCustomizer c with (nolock)
    join QBMClrType t with (nolock) on t.UID_QBMClrType = c.UID_QBMClrType
    join DialogTableHasCustomizer tc with (nolock) on tc.UID_Customizer = c.UID_Customizer
    where (tc.UID_DialogTable in ('QER-T-ProfitCenter')) and (isnull(c.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor, 0) = 0)
    order by c.SortOrder

    2019-08-12 12:29:18 SqlLog (3 ms) - select g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup, g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup, g.IgnoreEmptyValues, c.UID_DialogColumn, g.UID_DialogTable
    from QBMUniqueGroup g
    join QBMUniqueGroupHasColumn ghc on ghc.UID_QBMUniqueGroup = g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup
    join DialogColumn c on ghc.ObjectKeyDialogColumn = c.XObjectKey
    where g.UID_DialogTable in ('QER-T-ProfitCenter')
    order by g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup
    2019-08-12 12:29:18 StopWatch Getting Table/ProfitCenter from cache. done in 18ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting Schema/ProfitCenter from cache. done in 98ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (15 ms) - select RelationID, TP.TableName, TC.TableName, ParentRestriction, ParentExecuteBy, ChildRestriction, ChildExecuteBy, IsMNRelation, r.IsSpml,
    r.Caption, IsConnectedInTransport, CP.ColumnName, CC.ColumnName, r.IsForUpdateXDateSubItem, r.IsForAddElementAffected
    from QBMRelation R with (nolock)
    join DialogColumn CP with (nolock) on R.UID_ParentColumn = CP.UID_DialogColumn
    join DialogTable TP with (nolock) on CP.UID_DialogTable = TP.UID_DialogTable
    join DialogColumn CC with (nolock) on R.UID_ChildColumn = CC.UID_DialogColumn
    join DialogTable TC with (nolock) on CC.UID_DialogTable = TC.UID_DialogTable
    where (TC.TableName = 'ProfitCenter') or (TP.TableName = 'ProfitCenter') order by R.RelationID desc
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting Relations/ProfitCenter from cache. done in 16ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (4 ms) -
    select t.tablename, t.displaypattern, t.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor,
    t.tabletype, tBase.TableName, t.uid_dialogtable, t.UsageType, t.uid_dialogimage, t.displayname,
    datalength(t.OnSavingScript) as HasOnSaving,
    datalength(t.OnSavedScript) as HasOnSaved,
    datalength(t.OnLoadedScript) HasOnLoaded,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardingScript) as HasOnDiscarding,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardedScript) as HasOnDiscarded,
    t.DefaultDisplayFKList, tProxy.TableName, t.ismntable, t.istransportdisabled,
    t.ElementColor, t.IsResident, t.DisplayPatternLong, t.IsModuleGuidAllowed, t.IsModuleGuidDefault,
    t.DeleteDelayDays, t.ScopeReferenceColumns, t.TransportWhereClause, t.IsMAllTable,
    t.PendingChangeBehavior, t.DisplayNameSingular
    from dialogtable t with (nolock)
    left outer join DialogTable tBase with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableBase = tBase.UID_DialogTable
    left outer join DialogTable tProxy with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableUnion = tProxy.UID_DialogTable
    where t.tablename = N'UNSAccountB'
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (5 ms) -
    c.uid_dialogcolumn, c.columnname,
    c.minlen as minlen,
    c.maxlen as maxlen,
    c.format as format,
    c.isalternatepkmember, c.DateTimeDetail, c.isuid, c.ispkmember,
    datalength(c.FormatScript) as fmt,
    c.hasdefaultvalue, c.iscrypted, c.MultiLanguageFlag, c.caption,
    c.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, c.customcomment, b.columnname,
    c.IndexWeight, c.ismultivalued, c.syntaxtype,
    c.IsNoAutoExtendPermissions, c.haslimitedvalues, c.countdigits,
    c.IsNoAutoTrim, c.commentary, c.istoignoreonexport, c.istoignoreonimport,
    c.IsCustomConfigurable, c.IsSpml,
    datalength(c.Template) as tmpl,
    c.IsOverwritingTemplate as IsOverwritingTemplate,
    c.SortOrder, c.IsFilterDesignerEnabled, c.ColumnGroup, c.IsParentConnectColumn,
    c.IsDynamicFK, u.columnname, c.BitMaskConfig, c.IsMultiLineContent,
    c.TemplateLimitationInternal, c.TemplateLimitationException,
    c.LimitedValues, c.IsBlobExternal, c.IsDescriptionColumn, c.IsHierarchyDisplay, c.IsForeignKey,
    c.DoNotLogChanges, c.UID_DialogTable, c.IsMAllKeyMember,
    datalength(c.CanSeeScript) as HasCanSeeScript, datalength(c.CanEditScript) as HasCanEditScript,
    from dialogcolumn c with (nolock)
    left outer join dialogcolumn b with (nolock) on c.uid_basecolumn = b.uid_dialogcolumn
    left outer join dialogcolumn u with (nolock) on c.uid_dialogcolumnunionview = u.uid_dialogcolumn
    where c.UID_DialogTable in ('TSB-T-UNSAccountB')
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (4 ms) - select tc.UID_DialogTable, t.Assembly, t.FullTypeName
    from DialogCustomizer c with (nolock)
    join QBMClrType t with (nolock) on t.UID_QBMClrType = c.UID_QBMClrType
    join DialogTableHasCustomizer tc with (nolock) on tc.UID_Customizer = c.UID_Customizer
    where (tc.UID_DialogTable in ('TSB-T-UNSAccountB')) and (isnull(c.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor, 0) = 0)
    order by c.SortOrder

    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (3 ms) - select g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup, g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup, g.IgnoreEmptyValues, c.UID_DialogColumn, g.UID_DialogTable
    from QBMUniqueGroup g
    join QBMUniqueGroupHasColumn ghc on ghc.UID_QBMUniqueGroup = g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup
    join DialogColumn c on ghc.ObjectKeyDialogColumn = c.XObjectKey
    where g.UID_DialogTable in ('TSB-T-UNSAccountB')
    order by g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (1 ms) - select UID_DialogTableBase, tablename from dialogtable with (nolock) where (UID_DialogTableBase in ('TSB-T-UNSAccountB')) and (isnull(isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, 0) = 0)
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSAccountB from cache. done in 20ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSAccountB from cache. done in 101ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (14 ms) - select RelationID, TP.TableName, TC.TableName, ParentRestriction, ParentExecuteBy, ChildRestriction, ChildExecuteBy, IsMNRelation, r.IsSpml,
    r.Caption, IsConnectedInTransport, CP.ColumnName, CC.ColumnName, r.IsForUpdateXDateSubItem, r.IsForAddElementAffected
    from QBMRelation R with (nolock)
    join DialogColumn CP with (nolock) on R.UID_ParentColumn = CP.UID_DialogColumn
    join DialogTable TP with (nolock) on CP.UID_DialogTable = TP.UID_DialogTable
    join DialogColumn CC with (nolock) on R.UID_ChildColumn = CC.UID_DialogColumn
    join DialogTable TC with (nolock) on CC.UID_DialogTable = TC.UID_DialogTable
    where (TC.TableName = 'UNSAccountB') or (TP.TableName = 'UNSAccountB') order by R.RelationID desc
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting Relations/UNSAccountB from cache. done in 15ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (4 ms) -
    select t.tablename, t.displaypattern, t.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor,
    t.tabletype, tBase.TableName, t.uid_dialogtable, t.UsageType, t.uid_dialogimage, t.displayname,
    datalength(t.OnSavingScript) as HasOnSaving,
    datalength(t.OnSavedScript) as HasOnSaved,
    datalength(t.OnLoadedScript) HasOnLoaded,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardingScript) as HasOnDiscarding,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardedScript) as HasOnDiscarded,
    t.DefaultDisplayFKList, tProxy.TableName, t.ismntable, t.istransportdisabled,
    t.ElementColor, t.IsResident, t.DisplayPatternLong, t.IsModuleGuidAllowed, t.IsModuleGuidDefault,
    t.DeleteDelayDays, t.ScopeReferenceColumns, t.TransportWhereClause, t.IsMAllTable,
    t.PendingChangeBehavior, t.DisplayNameSingular
    from dialogtable t with (nolock)
    left outer join DialogTable tBase with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableBase = tBase.UID_DialogTable
    left outer join DialogTable tProxy with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableUnion = tProxy.UID_DialogTable
    where t.tablename = N'UNSContainerB'
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (4 ms) -
    c.uid_dialogcolumn, c.columnname,
    c.minlen as minlen,
    c.maxlen as maxlen,
    c.format as format,
    c.isalternatepkmember, c.DateTimeDetail, c.isuid, c.ispkmember,
    datalength(c.FormatScript) as fmt,
    c.hasdefaultvalue, c.iscrypted, c.MultiLanguageFlag, c.caption,
    c.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, c.customcomment, b.columnname,
    c.IndexWeight, c.ismultivalued, c.syntaxtype,
    c.IsNoAutoExtendPermissions, c.haslimitedvalues, c.countdigits,
    c.IsNoAutoTrim, c.commentary, c.istoignoreonexport, c.istoignoreonimport,
    c.IsCustomConfigurable, c.IsSpml,
    datalength(c.Template) as tmpl,
    c.IsOverwritingTemplate as IsOverwritingTemplate,
    c.SortOrder, c.IsFilterDesignerEnabled, c.ColumnGroup, c.IsParentConnectColumn,
    c.IsDynamicFK, u.columnname, c.BitMaskConfig, c.IsMultiLineContent,
    c.TemplateLimitationInternal, c.TemplateLimitationException,
    c.LimitedValues, c.IsBlobExternal, c.IsDescriptionColumn, c.IsHierarchyDisplay, c.IsForeignKey,
    c.DoNotLogChanges, c.UID_DialogTable, c.IsMAllKeyMember,
    datalength(c.CanSeeScript) as HasCanSeeScript, datalength(c.CanEditScript) as HasCanEditScript,
    from dialogcolumn c with (nolock)
    left outer join dialogcolumn b with (nolock) on c.uid_basecolumn = b.uid_dialogcolumn
    left outer join dialogcolumn u with (nolock) on c.uid_dialogcolumnunionview = u.uid_dialogcolumn
    where c.UID_DialogTable in ('TSB-T-UNSContainerB')
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (2 ms) - select tc.UID_DialogTable, t.Assembly, t.FullTypeName
    from DialogCustomizer c with (nolock)
    join QBMClrType t with (nolock) on t.UID_QBMClrType = c.UID_QBMClrType
    join DialogTableHasCustomizer tc with (nolock) on tc.UID_Customizer = c.UID_Customizer
    where (tc.UID_DialogTable in ('TSB-T-UNSContainerB')) and (isnull(c.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor, 0) = 0)
    order by c.SortOrder

    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (3 ms) - select g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup, g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup, g.IgnoreEmptyValues, c.UID_DialogColumn, g.UID_DialogTable
    from QBMUniqueGroup g
    join QBMUniqueGroupHasColumn ghc on ghc.UID_QBMUniqueGroup = g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup
    join DialogColumn c on ghc.ObjectKeyDialogColumn = c.XObjectKey
    where g.UID_DialogTable in ('TSB-T-UNSContainerB')
    order by g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (1 ms) - select UID_DialogTableBase, tablename from dialogtable with (nolock) where (UID_DialogTableBase in ('TSB-T-UNSContainerB')) and (isnull(isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, 0) = 0)
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSContainerB from cache. done in 17ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSContainerB from cache. done in 100ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (14 ms) - select RelationID, TP.TableName, TC.TableName, ParentRestriction, ParentExecuteBy, ChildRestriction, ChildExecuteBy, IsMNRelation, r.IsSpml,
    r.Caption, IsConnectedInTransport, CP.ColumnName, CC.ColumnName, r.IsForUpdateXDateSubItem, r.IsForAddElementAffected
    from QBMRelation R with (nolock)
    join DialogColumn CP with (nolock) on R.UID_ParentColumn = CP.UID_DialogColumn
    join DialogTable TP with (nolock) on CP.UID_DialogTable = TP.UID_DialogTable
    join DialogColumn CC with (nolock) on R.UID_ChildColumn = CC.UID_DialogColumn
    join DialogTable TC with (nolock) on CC.UID_DialogTable = TC.UID_DialogTable
    where (TC.TableName = 'UNSContainerB') or (TP.TableName = 'UNSContainerB') order by R.RelationID desc
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting Relations/UNSContainerB from cache. done in 15ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (4 ms) -
    select t.tablename, t.displaypattern, t.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor,
    t.tabletype, tBase.TableName, t.uid_dialogtable, t.UsageType, t.uid_dialogimage, t.displayname,
    datalength(t.OnSavingScript) as HasOnSaving,
    datalength(t.OnSavedScript) as HasOnSaved,
    datalength(t.OnLoadedScript) HasOnLoaded,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardingScript) as HasOnDiscarding,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardedScript) as HasOnDiscarded,
    t.DefaultDisplayFKList, tProxy.TableName, t.ismntable, t.istransportdisabled,
    t.ElementColor, t.IsResident, t.DisplayPatternLong, t.IsModuleGuidAllowed, t.IsModuleGuidDefault,
    t.DeleteDelayDays, t.ScopeReferenceColumns, t.TransportWhereClause, t.IsMAllTable,
    t.PendingChangeBehavior, t.DisplayNameSingular
    from dialogtable t with (nolock)
    left outer join DialogTable tBase with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableBase = tBase.UID_DialogTable
    left outer join DialogTable tProxy with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableUnion = tProxy.UID_DialogTable
    where t.tablename = N'UNSRootB'
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (4 ms) -
    c.uid_dialogcolumn, c.columnname,
    c.minlen as minlen,
    c.maxlen as maxlen,
    c.format as format,
    c.isalternatepkmember, c.DateTimeDetail, c.isuid, c.ispkmember,
    datalength(c.FormatScript) as fmt,
    c.hasdefaultvalue, c.iscrypted, c.MultiLanguageFlag, c.caption,
    c.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, c.customcomment, b.columnname,
    c.IndexWeight, c.ismultivalued, c.syntaxtype,
    c.IsNoAutoExtendPermissions, c.haslimitedvalues, c.countdigits,
    c.IsNoAutoTrim, c.commentary, c.istoignoreonexport, c.istoignoreonimport,
    c.IsCustomConfigurable, c.IsSpml,
    datalength(c.Template) as tmpl,
    c.IsOverwritingTemplate as IsOverwritingTemplate,
    c.SortOrder, c.IsFilterDesignerEnabled, c.ColumnGroup, c.IsParentConnectColumn,
    c.IsDynamicFK, u.columnname, c.BitMaskConfig, c.IsMultiLineContent,
    c.TemplateLimitationInternal, c.TemplateLimitationException,
    c.LimitedValues, c.IsBlobExternal, c.IsDescriptionColumn, c.IsHierarchyDisplay, c.IsForeignKey,
    c.DoNotLogChanges, c.UID_DialogTable, c.IsMAllKeyMember,
    datalength(c.CanSeeScript) as HasCanSeeScript, datalength(c.CanEditScript) as HasCanEditScript,
    from dialogcolumn c with (nolock)
    left outer join dialogcolumn b with (nolock) on c.uid_basecolumn = b.uid_dialogcolumn
    left outer join dialogcolumn u with (nolock) on c.uid_dialogcolumnunionview = u.uid_dialogcolumn
    where c.UID_DialogTable in ('TSB-T-UNSRootB')
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (2 ms) - select tc.UID_DialogTable, t.Assembly, t.FullTypeName
    from DialogCustomizer c with (nolock)
    join QBMClrType t with (nolock) on t.UID_QBMClrType = c.UID_QBMClrType
    join DialogTableHasCustomizer tc with (nolock) on tc.UID_Customizer = c.UID_Customizer
    where (tc.UID_DialogTable in ('TSB-T-UNSRootB')) and (isnull(c.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor, 0) = 0)
    order by c.SortOrder

    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (3 ms) - select g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup, g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup, g.IgnoreEmptyValues, c.UID_DialogColumn, g.UID_DialogTable
    from QBMUniqueGroup g
    join QBMUniqueGroupHasColumn ghc on ghc.UID_QBMUniqueGroup = g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup
    join DialogColumn c on ghc.ObjectKeyDialogColumn = c.XObjectKey
    where g.UID_DialogTable in ('TSB-T-UNSRootB')
    order by g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (1 ms) - select UID_DialogTableBase, tablename from dialogtable with (nolock) where (UID_DialogTableBase in ('TSB-T-UNSRootB')) and (isnull(isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, 0) = 0)
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSRootB from cache. done in 18ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSRootB from cache. done in 100ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (4 ms) -
    select t.tablename, t.displaypattern, t.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor,
    t.tabletype, tBase.TableName, t.uid_dialogtable, t.UsageType, t.uid_dialogimage, t.displayname,
    datalength(t.OnSavingScript) as HasOnSaving,
    datalength(t.OnSavedScript) as HasOnSaved,
    datalength(t.OnLoadedScript) HasOnLoaded,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardingScript) as HasOnDiscarding,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardedScript) as HasOnDiscarded,
    t.DefaultDisplayFKList, tProxy.TableName, t.ismntable, t.istransportdisabled,
    t.ElementColor, t.IsResident, t.DisplayPatternLong, t.IsModuleGuidAllowed, t.IsModuleGuidDefault,
    t.DeleteDelayDays, t.ScopeReferenceColumns, t.TransportWhereClause, t.IsMAllTable,
    t.PendingChangeBehavior, t.DisplayNameSingular
    from dialogtable t with (nolock)
    left outer join DialogTable tBase with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableBase = tBase.UID_DialogTable
    left outer join DialogTable tProxy with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableUnion = tProxy.UID_DialogTable
    where t.tablename = N'UNXAccount'
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (6 ms) -
    c.uid_dialogcolumn, c.columnname,
    c.minlen as minlen,
    c.maxlen as maxlen,
    c.format as format,
    c.isalternatepkmember, c.DateTimeDetail, c.isuid, c.ispkmember,
    datalength(c.FormatScript) as fmt,
    c.hasdefaultvalue, c.iscrypted, c.MultiLanguageFlag, c.caption,
    c.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, c.customcomment, b.columnname,
    c.IndexWeight, c.ismultivalued, c.syntaxtype,
    c.IsNoAutoExtendPermissions, c.haslimitedvalues, c.countdigits,
    c.IsNoAutoTrim, c.commentary, c.istoignoreonexport, c.istoignoreonimport,
    c.IsCustomConfigurable, c.IsSpml,
    datalength(c.Template) as tmpl,
    c.IsOverwritingTemplate as IsOverwritingTemplate,
    c.SortOrder, c.IsFilterDesignerEnabled, c.ColumnGroup, c.IsParentConnectColumn,
    c.IsDynamicFK, u.columnname, c.BitMaskConfig, c.IsMultiLineContent,
    c.TemplateLimitationInternal, c.TemplateLimitationException,
    c.LimitedValues, c.IsBlobExternal, c.IsDescriptionColumn, c.IsHierarchyDisplay, c.IsForeignKey,
    c.DoNotLogChanges, c.UID_DialogTable, c.IsMAllKeyMember,
    datalength(c.CanSeeScript) as HasCanSeeScript, datalength(c.CanEditScript) as HasCanEditScript,
    from dialogcolumn c with (nolock)
    left outer join dialogcolumn b with (nolock) on c.uid_basecolumn = b.uid_dialogcolumn
    left outer join dialogcolumn u with (nolock) on c.uid_dialogcolumnunionview = u.uid_dialogcolumn
    where c.UID_DialogTable in ('UNX-T-UNXAccount')
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (2 ms) - select tc.UID_DialogTable, t.Assembly, t.FullTypeName
    from DialogCustomizer c with (nolock)
    join QBMClrType t with (nolock) on t.UID_QBMClrType = c.UID_QBMClrType
    join DialogTableHasCustomizer tc with (nolock) on tc.UID_Customizer = c.UID_Customizer
    where (tc.UID_DialogTable in ('UNX-T-UNXAccount')) and (isnull(c.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor, 0) = 0)
    order by c.SortOrder

    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (3 ms) - select g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup, g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup, g.IgnoreEmptyValues, c.UID_DialogColumn, g.UID_DialogTable
    from QBMUniqueGroup g
    join QBMUniqueGroupHasColumn ghc on ghc.UID_QBMUniqueGroup = g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup
    join DialogColumn c on ghc.ObjectKeyDialogColumn = c.XObjectKey
    where g.UID_DialogTable in ('UNX-T-UNXAccount')
    order by g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (1 ms) - select UID_DialogTableBase, tablename from dialogtable with (nolock) where (UID_DialogTableBase in ('UNX-T-UNXAccount')) and (isnull(isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, 0) = 0)
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting Table/UNXAccount from cache. done in 21ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNXAccount from cache. done in 99ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (15 ms) - select RelationID, TP.TableName, TC.TableName, ParentRestriction, ParentExecuteBy, ChildRestriction, ChildExecuteBy, IsMNRelation, r.IsSpml,
    r.Caption, IsConnectedInTransport, CP.ColumnName, CC.ColumnName, r.IsForUpdateXDateSubItem, r.IsForAddElementAffected
    from QBMRelation R with (nolock)
    join DialogColumn CP with (nolock) on R.UID_ParentColumn = CP.UID_DialogColumn
    join DialogTable TP with (nolock) on CP.UID_DialogTable = TP.UID_DialogTable
    join DialogColumn CC with (nolock) on R.UID_ChildColumn = CC.UID_DialogColumn
    join DialogTable TC with (nolock) on CC.UID_DialogTable = TC.UID_DialogTable
    where (TC.TableName = 'UNXAccount') or (TP.TableName = 'UNXAccount') order by R.RelationID desc
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting Relations/UNXAccount from cache. done in 16ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (4 ms) -
    select t.tablename, t.displaypattern, t.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor,
    t.tabletype, tBase.TableName, t.uid_dialogtable, t.UsageType, t.uid_dialogimage, t.displayname,
    datalength(t.OnSavingScript) as HasOnSaving,
    datalength(t.OnSavedScript) as HasOnSaved,
    datalength(t.OnLoadedScript) HasOnLoaded,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardingScript) as HasOnDiscarding,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardedScript) as HasOnDiscarded,
    t.DefaultDisplayFKList, tProxy.TableName, t.ismntable, t.istransportdisabled,
    t.ElementColor, t.IsResident, t.DisplayPatternLong, t.IsModuleGuidAllowed, t.IsModuleGuidDefault,
    t.DeleteDelayDays, t.ScopeReferenceColumns, t.TransportWhereClause, t.IsMAllTable,
    t.PendingChangeBehavior, t.DisplayNameSingular
    from dialogtable t with (nolock)
    left outer join DialogTable tBase with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableBase = tBase.UID_DialogTable
    left outer join DialogTable tProxy with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableUnion = tProxy.UID_DialogTable
    where t.tablename = N'UNXHost'
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (4 ms) -
    c.uid_dialogcolumn, c.columnname,
    c.minlen as minlen,
    c.maxlen as maxlen,
    c.format as format,
    c.isalternatepkmember, c.DateTimeDetail, c.isuid, c.ispkmember,
    datalength(c.FormatScript) as fmt,
    c.hasdefaultvalue, c.iscrypted, c.MultiLanguageFlag, c.caption,
    c.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, c.customcomment, b.columnname,
    c.IndexWeight, c.ismultivalued, c.syntaxtype,
    c.IsNoAutoExtendPermissions, c.haslimitedvalues, c.countdigits,
    c.IsNoAutoTrim, c.commentary, c.istoignoreonexport, c.istoignoreonimport,
    c.IsCustomConfigurable, c.IsSpml,
    datalength(c.Template) as tmpl,
    c.IsOverwritingTemplate as IsOverwritingTemplate,
    c.SortOrder, c.IsFilterDesignerEnabled, c.ColumnGroup, c.IsParentConnectColumn,
    c.IsDynamicFK, u.columnname, c.BitMaskConfig, c.IsMultiLineContent,
    c.TemplateLimitationInternal, c.TemplateLimitationException,
    c.LimitedValues, c.IsBlobExternal, c.IsDescriptionColumn, c.IsHierarchyDisplay, c.IsForeignKey,
    c.DoNotLogChanges, c.UID_DialogTable, c.IsMAllKeyMember,
    datalength(c.CanSeeScript) as HasCanSeeScript, datalength(c.CanEditScript) as HasCanEditScript,
    from dialogcolumn c with (nolock)
    left outer join dialogcolumn b with (nolock) on c.uid_basecolumn = b.uid_dialogcolumn
    left outer join dialogcolumn u with (nolock) on c.uid_dialogcolumnunionview = u.uid_dialogcolumn
    where c.UID_DialogTable in ('UNX-T-UNXHost')
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (2 ms) - select tc.UID_DialogTable, t.Assembly, t.FullTypeName
    from DialogCustomizer c with (nolock)
    join QBMClrType t with (nolock) on t.UID_QBMClrType = c.UID_QBMClrType
    join DialogTableHasCustomizer tc with (nolock) on tc.UID_Customizer = c.UID_Customizer
    where (tc.UID_DialogTable in ('UNX-T-UNXHost')) and (isnull(c.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor, 0) = 0)
    order by c.SortOrder

    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (2 ms) - select g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup, g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup, g.IgnoreEmptyValues, c.UID_DialogColumn, g.UID_DialogTable
    from QBMUniqueGroup g
    join QBMUniqueGroupHasColumn ghc on ghc.UID_QBMUniqueGroup = g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup
    join DialogColumn c on ghc.ObjectKeyDialogColumn = c.XObjectKey
    where g.UID_DialogTable in ('UNX-T-UNXHost')
    order by g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (1 ms) - select UID_DialogTableBase, tablename from dialogtable with (nolock) where (UID_DialogTableBase in ('UNX-T-UNXHost')) and (isnull(isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, 0) = 0)
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting Table/UNXHost from cache. done in 17ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNXHost from cache. done in 107ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (5 ms) -
    select t.tablename, t.displaypattern, t.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor,
    t.tabletype, tBase.TableName, t.uid_dialogtable, t.UsageType, t.uid_dialogimage, t.displayname,
    datalength(t.OnSavingScript) as HasOnSaving,
    datalength(t.OnSavedScript) as HasOnSaved,
    datalength(t.OnLoadedScript) HasOnLoaded,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardingScript) as HasOnDiscarding,
    datalength(t.OnDiscardedScript) as HasOnDiscarded,
    t.DefaultDisplayFKList, tProxy.TableName, t.ismntable, t.istransportdisabled,
    t.ElementColor, t.IsResident, t.DisplayPatternLong, t.IsModuleGuidAllowed, t.IsModuleGuidDefault,
    t.DeleteDelayDays, t.ScopeReferenceColumns, t.TransportWhereClause, t.IsMAllTable,
    t.PendingChangeBehavior, t.DisplayNameSingular
    from dialogtable t with (nolock)
    left outer join DialogTable tBase with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableBase = tBase.UID_DialogTable
    left outer join DialogTable tProxy with (nolock) on t.UID_DialogTableUnion = tProxy.UID_DialogTable
    where t.tablename = N'DialogColumn'
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (5 ms) -
    c.uid_dialogcolumn, c.columnname,
    c.minlen as minlen,
    c.maxlen as maxlen,
    c.format as format,
    c.isalternatepkmember, c.DateTimeDetail, c.isuid, c.ispkmember,
    datalength(c.FormatScript) as fmt,
    c.hasdefaultvalue, c.iscrypted, c.MultiLanguageFlag, c.caption,
    c.isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, c.customcomment, b.columnname,
    c.IndexWeight, c.ismultivalued, c.syntaxtype,
    c.IsNoAutoExtendPermissions, c.haslimitedvalues, c.countdigits,
    c.IsNoAutoTrim, c.commentary, c.istoignoreonexport, c.istoignoreonimport,
    c.IsCustomConfigurable, c.IsSpml,
    datalength(c.Template) as tmpl,
    c.IsOverwritingTemplate as IsOverwritingTemplate,
    c.SortOrder, c.IsFilterDesignerEnabled, c.ColumnGroup, c.IsParentConnectColumn,
    c.IsDynamicFK, u.columnname, c.BitMaskConfig, c.IsMultiLineContent,
    c.TemplateLimitationInternal, c.TemplateLimitationException,
    c.LimitedValues, c.IsBlobExternal, c.IsDescriptionColumn, c.IsHierarchyDisplay, c.IsForeignKey,
    c.DoNotLogChanges, c.UID_DialogTable, c.IsMAllKeyMember,
    datalength(c.CanSeeScript) as HasCanSeeScript, datalength(c.CanEditScript) as HasCanEditScript,
    from dialogcolumn c with (nolock)
    left outer join dialogcolumn b with (nolock) on c.uid_basecolumn = b.uid_dialogcolumn
    left outer join dialogcolumn u with (nolock) on c.uid_dialogcolumnunionview = u.uid_dialogcolumn
    where c.UID_DialogTable in ('QBM-T-DialogColumn')
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (2 ms) - select tc.UID_DialogTable, t.Assembly, t.FullTypeName
    from DialogCustomizer c with (nolock)
    join QBMClrType t with (nolock) on t.UID_QBMClrType = c.UID_QBMClrType
    join DialogTableHasCustomizer tc with (nolock) on tc.UID_Customizer = c.UID_Customizer
    where (tc.UID_DialogTable in ('QBM-T-DialogColumn')) and (isnull(c.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor, 0) = 0)
    order by c.SortOrder

    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (3 ms) - select g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup, g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup, g.IgnoreEmptyValues, c.UID_DialogColumn, g.UID_DialogTable
    from QBMUniqueGroup g
    join QBMUniqueGroupHasColumn ghc on ghc.UID_QBMUniqueGroup = g.UID_QBMUniqueGroup
    join DialogColumn c on ghc.ObjectKeyDialogColumn = c.XObjectKey
    where g.UID_DialogTable in ('QBM-T-DialogColumn')
    order by g.Ident_QBMUniqueGroup
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (1 ms) - select UID_DialogTableBase, tablename from dialogtable with (nolock) where (UID_DialogTableBase in ('QBM-T-DialogColumn')) and (isnull(isdeactivatedbypreprocessor, 0) = 0)
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting Table/DialogColumn from cache. done in 20ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting Schema/DialogColumn from cache. done in 99ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (9 ms) - select c.UID_DialogColumn as UID_DialogColumnSource, tr.UID_DialogColumnTarget, ct.LimitedValues, ct.MultiLanguageFlag
    from QBMColumnTranslation tr with (nolock)
    join DialogColumn c with (nolock)
    on tr.ObjectKeyDialogColumnSource = c.XObjectKey
    join DialogColumn ct with (nolock)
    on tr.UID_DialogColumnTarget = ct.UID_DialogColumn

    union all

    select null as UID_DialogColumnSource, c.UID_DialogColumn as UID_DialogColumnTarget, c.LimitedValues, c.MultiLanguageFlag
    from DialogColumn c with (nolock)
    where c.MultiLanguageFlag & 2 = 2
    and not exists (
    select 1 from QBMColumnTranslation t with (nolock)
    where t.UID_DialogColumnTarget = c.UID_DialogColumn
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting MultiLanguageColumnDeps/global from cache. done in 17ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (6 ms) - select
    c.UID_DialogCulture, c.Ident_DialogCulture,
    p.UID_DialogCulture, p.Ident_DialogCulture,
    d.UID_DialogCulture, d.Ident_DialogCulture,
    ds.UID_DialogCulture, ds.Ident_DialogCulture
    from QBMCulture c with (nolock)
    left outer join QBMCulture p with (nolock)
    on c.UID_DialogCultureParent = p.UID_DialogCulture
    left outer join QBMCulture d with (nolock)
    on p.UID_DialogCultureDefault = d.UID_DialogCulture
    left outer join QBMCulture ds with (nolock)
    on c.UID_DialogCultureDefault = ds.UID_DialogCulture
    where c.Ident_DialogCulture = N'en-US'

    union all

    c.UID_DialogCulture, c.Ident_DialogCulture,
    p.UID_DialogCulture, p.Ident_DialogCulture,
    d.UID_DialogCulture, d.Ident_DialogCulture,
    ds.UID_DialogCulture, ds.Ident_DialogCulture
    from QBMCulture c with (nolock)
    join DialogDatabase db with (nolock)
    on db.UID_DialogCultureDefault = c.UID_DialogCulture
    and db.IsMainDatabase = 1
    left outer join QBMCulture p with (nolock)
    on c.UID_DialogCultureParent = p.UID_DialogCulture
    left outer join QBMCulture d with (nolock)
    on p.UID_DialogCultureDefault = d.UID_DialogCulture
    left outer join QBMCulture ds with (nolock)
    on c.UID_DialogCultureDefault = ds.UID_DialogCulture
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting CultureChain/en-US from cache. done in 14ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (3 ms) - select ml.entrykey, ml.entryvalue
    from DialogMultiLanguage ml with (nolock)
    join QBMCulture c with (nolock) on c.UID_DialogCulture = ml.UID_DialogCulture
    where (ml.uid_dialogcolumn = 'QBM-D666A28FA9F3402BB17F80C68530E4CB') and (c.ident_dialogculture = N'en-US')
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting MultiLanguage/QBM-D666A28FA9F3402BB17F80C68530E4CB,en-US from cache. done in 15ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 ObjectLog Searching policy for DialogUser '' for column 'Password'.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (1 ms) - select ObjectKeyElement, UID_DialogColumn, UID_QBMPwdPolicy from QBMObjectHasPwdPolicy
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting ObjectHasPwdPolicy/global from cache. done in 4ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (1 ms) - select XObjectKey from DialogTable where UID_DialogTable = 'QBM-T-DialogUser'
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 ObjectLog Found policy 'QBM-af3da42f19f24026b64f883b0a41b70e' by table reference.
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 SqlLog (2 ms) - select
    from QBMPwdPolicy
    where UID_QBMPwdPolicy = 'QBM-af3da42f19f24026b64f883b0a41b70e'
    2019-08-12 12:29:19 StopWatch Getting PasswordPolicy/QBM-af3da42f19f24026b64f883b0a41b70e from cache. done in 6ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:20 SqlLog (5 ms) - select distinct WordExcluded from QBMPwdBlacklist order by WordExcluded
    2019-08-12 12:29:20 StopWatch Getting PasswordBlacklist/global from cache. done in 41ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:20 SqlLog (1 ms) - select Username, UID_DialogUser, IsReadOnly, IsPwdExternalManaged, IsAdmin from DialogUser with (nolock) where username = N'viadmin'
    2019-08-12 12:29:20 SqlLog (1 ms) - select Max( AccessLevel ) from
    select isnull(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin'), 0) * 9 as AccessLevel
    union all
    select isnull(IS_MEMBER('db_owner'), 0) * 7 as AccessLevel
    union all
    select isNull(IS_MEMBER('OneIMConfigRoleDB'), 0) * 5 as AccessLevel
    union all
    select IsNull(IS_MEMBER('OneIMUserRoleDB'), 0) * 3 as AccessLevel
    ) as AccessLevels
    2019-08-12 12:29:20 ObjectLog User viadmin (Dialog user: viadmin, X fields: viadmin) authenticated.
    2019-08-12 12:29:20 ObjectLog Initializing database session.
    2019-08-12 12:29:20 SqlLog (1 ms) - select MigrationVersion from QBMModuleDef where ModuleName = N'QBM'
    2019-08-12 12:29:20 ObjectLog Session initialized.
    2019-08-12 12:29:20 SqlLog (1 ms) - select 1 where exists (select 1 from DialogScriptAssembly where (Name like N'WebServices_Aex1uhmYWGhRcCcxWKb3bnQEFrk%'))
    2019-08-12 12:29:20 ObjectLog Compiling ProductScripts_Aex1uhmYWGhRcCcxWKb3bnQEFrk...
    2019-08-12 12:29:20 SqlLog (1 ms) - select shf.UID_DialogScript, f.Ident_DialogFeature
    from QBMScriptHasFeature shf with (nolock)
    join QBMFeature f with (nolock) on f.UID_DialogFeature = shf.UID_DialogFeature
    2019-08-12 12:29:20 SqlLog (1 ms) - select UID_DialogScript, Scriptname, Scriptcode from DialogScript with (nolock) where (isnull(IsLocked, 0) <> 1) and (not UID_DialogScript like 'CCC-%')
    2019-08-12 12:29:20 SqlLog (2 ms) - select c.uid_dialogculture, c.ident_dialogculture from QBMCulture c with (nolock)
    join Dialogdatabase db with (nolock) on c.UID_DialogCulture = db.UID_DialogCultureDefault
    where db.IsMainDatabase = 1
    2019-08-12 12:29:20 StopWatch Getting DefaultCulture/global from cache. done in 5ms.
    2019-08-12 12:29:20 SqlLog (1 ms) - select UID_DialogWebservice, ProxyCode from DialogWebService with (nolock) where isnull(IsLocked, 0) = 0
    2019-08-12 12:29:41 SqlLog (4 ms) - select t.tablename, c.columnname, c.DataType, c.CustomComment, c.Commentary
    from DialogTable t
    join DialogColumn c on t.UID_DialogTable = c.UID_DialogTable
    where isnull(t.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor, 0) = 0
    and isnull(c.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor, 0) = 0
    2019-08-12 12:29:41 SqlLog (15 ms) - select ct.TableName, cc.ColumnName, pt.TableName
    from QBMRelation r
    join DialogColumn cc on r.UID_ChildColumn = cc.UID_DialogColumn
    join DialogTable ct on cc.UID_DialogTable = ct.UID_DialogTable
    join DialogColumn pc on r.UID_ParentColumn = pc.UID_DialogColumn
    join DialogTable pt on pc.UID_DialogTable = pt.UID_DialogTable
    where isnull(pt.TableType, N'') <> N'B'
    and isnull(cc.IsDeactivatedByPreProcessor, 0) = 0
    2019-08-12 12:29:41 SqlLog (1 ms) - select UID_ConfigParm, UID_ParentConfigparm, ConfigParm, FullPath from DialogConfigParm
    2019-08-12 12:29:45 ObjectLog Closing session
    2019-08-12 12:29:45 ObjectLog Opening session done in 29.09s.

  • Using SQL Management Studio to drop DB is correct. please ensure the permissions set on the folder where OIM installed (i.e. C:\Program Files\One Identity) are sufficient.

  • You can just install AD first then add AAD once the installation succeeds.

  • How do you start the database installation?
    Where is the started ConfigWizard located?

  • Everything is located on one server. I start the ConfigWizard from the start menu. When I go to create the database I use SQL Auth and the SA account. Should I be starting ConfigWizard as Administrator?

  • The ADS.Customizer.dll has to be in the same directory as the ConfigWizard. One possible mistake is starting the ConfigWizard from within the installation source.

    It is important to choose the same modules during client tool installation and database installation.  

    The usual first installation should be:

    * start the autorun.exe from the install source.
    * go to "Installation" and choose one edition and click install.
    * follow the setup
    * on the last page of the setup use the schema installation option => this should start the ConfigWizard
    * follow the instructions of the ConfigWizard

  • Thanks, I will try this out, reinstalling the application and the database.

    I was also wondering, what account matches up to the system user?