How does Ad-Hoc Synchronisation Work?

I'm using version 8. How does ad-hoc synchronisation work and how does it relate to the created synchronisation projects? I can't find any documentation on it. It seems like it is configured out of the box but I can't find the process that does it. For example, ADSAccount updates are automatically synced to Active Directory. How does this occur without running a synchronisation project? And if there are multiple Synchronisation workflows, how does the ad-hoc provisioning determine which rule set to use when it does the ad-hoc synchronisation?

  • In short:

    • You change an AD User via the object layer (just focusing on the update case here, the other work similar)
    • The object layer tries to generate all processes listening to the UPDATE event. One of them is the process (OOTB) ADS_ADSAccount_Update/(De-)activate
    • During the generation, the system checks if the AD domain the object is assigned to, is configured to be synchronized with a live AD (Synchronization Project exists for the domain with an appropriate variable set, a workflow in that project for the object type ADSAccount that is configured to be used for the Ad-hoc projection, ...)
    • If so, a process step (amongst others) is executed that executes the ad-hoc projection of this single object change to the target system (AD).