Log Current Value with DialogWatchProperty

Using v8.1.1. I've got Splunk that wants to consume the historical data of One Identity. I've got a bunch of watched properties and they're logging into DialogWatchProperty and DialogWatchOperation but my problem is that the current value of an attribute isn't stored in DialogWatchProperty when a change is made, only the old value. This means I have to do something custom for the Splunk agent to get the data it wants. Any ideas about approach to doing this?

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  • Hi Dan,

    Historical assignments will give you data about assignments. If you are looking at simple object changes there is another query module for that. See the report VI_Person_Overview_With_History for an example.

    DialogWatchProperty does not store the current value of a field as that would be very inefficient.

    If you can use the object layer, I would recommend using the IHistorySource interface something like this:

    ISession session = <database session>
    IDbObjectKey key = <key of your object>
    var changes = session.Resolve<VI.DB.History.IHistorySource>().GetChanges(key, DateTime.MinValue, VI.DB.History.HistoryMode.Default).Result;