Export selectet data from a new created user into a CSV-File


please forgive a OIM-Beginner the following question:

In the Designer i have created a new process, witch is usung the processfunction "ScriptComponent - CSVExportSingle".

The process is starting automaticly when a new user is created. Unfortunately, the data from all existing users are written into the file, and not just the data of the newly created user!

In the processfunction "ScriptComponent - CSVExportSingle", i am using the parametername "LineDefinition" with the following syntax:

Value = "$$CentralAccount$$;$$FirnstName$$; ... ; $$UID_Person.Ident_Application$$"

Thanks in advance

Parents Reply
  • Single in this context only means that a single queue (Job Service) only executes a single process step of this task in parallel. It has nothing to do with single objects.

    You need to specify a where-clause, that's right.

    Assuming that our process is running on the Person table a where-clause could be:

    Dim f As ISqlFormatter = Session.SqlFormatter()
    Value = f.UidComparison("UID_Person", $UID_Person$)
