How to clean up IT Shop programmatically


I ran the publish to IT Shop automatically and did not realize how many group did not have owner.

I want to remove these from the shop. Can anyone tell me if there is a way to remove products and service items with an owner easily?

I already changed the process orchestration "ADS_ADSGroup_Publish_to_ITShop" to ignore groups where $ObjectKeyManager$ is not present.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you, Lu

Parents Reply
  • You can generate the HandleObject.CallMethod tasks in the job queue for your groups with the following SQL. Just replace 1=0 with a proper where-clause that covers your AD Groups.

    Declare @procid varchar(38)
    select @procid= newid()
    Declare @objkeys dbo.QBM_YParameterList
    -- HandleObject.CallMethod
    exec dbo.QBM_PJobCreate_HOCallMethod 'ADSGroup','1=0',0,'RemoveFromITShop', @GenProcID=@procid, @ObjectKeysAffected=@objkeys
