How to send a periodic report to all manager to check for their externals collaborators

In the PERSON table i have this information where the "lastname" column is the manager and their externals collaborators are in the "FirstName" column. So, for each single manager i want to send an email with an attachment (pdf or excel for example) where they can see all externals (in the "FirstName" column) that are headed to him, with some other information, for ex DepartmentName, ProjectCode, DefaultMailAddress and so on (i can decide with the customer). How can i do this? really many thanks

  • There are a few ways to do this.  But why not use UID_PersonHead and query the Person table that way?  And you'll have to query for the remaining information as well.  So it all comes down to writing the required SQL queries to gather the required info.  Then create a process to do the rest.  There are some existing processes that do something similar.  You just have to decide what would trigger this to be sent...


  • Good morning Trevor, thank you. Just to be sure, we are thinking about a VB script that finds the PersonHead that have external, and generate a loop that passes to the report process and sends emails to one uid_person at a time and triggers the process execution event. Is it right? Eventually, could you please give me an example? Really may thanks

  • Good morning Trevor, thank you. Just to be sure, we are thinking about a VB script that finds the PersonHead that have external, and generate a loop that passes to the report process and sends emails to one uid_person at a time and triggers the process execution event. Is it right? Eventually, could you please give me an example? Really may thanks
