XOrigin value 8 and higher: When do I get it?

Bit 3 is set when the assignment is done through an assignment request. But what kind of assignment request is this?

My situation:

system role (Eset) has entitlements (account def and unsgroupb for custom target system)

system role can be requested via a service items in the IT Shop

When a employee requests this item an entry is made in PersonHasESet, but Xorigin gets the value 2 -> Indirect assignment.

I was expecting it to get the value 8. Or is a assignment request totally different than a IT Shop request?

  • XOrigin=8 will only be used if an assignment request (using assignment resources) has been used to assign something in an M:N table. These generic assignment resources are used for example if a business role owner assigns a person so a role in the Web Portal. In that type of request, one service item can be used to assign a person to any business role.

    In your case, you are using the normal way of requesting and assigning memberships, having a service item for each system role, and that will lead to the indirect assignment.

  • XOrigin=8 will only be used if an assignment request (using assignment resources) has been used to assign something in an M:N table. These generic assignment resources are used for example if a business role owner assigns a person so a role in the Web Portal. In that type of request, one service item can be used to assign a person to any business role.

    In your case, you are using the normal way of requesting and assigning memberships, having a service item for each system role, and that will lead to the indirect assignment.
