Attestation Collection


I want to turn on QER\Attestation\MailTemplateIdents\RequestApproverByCollection.

Is there a way to use this only for Group attestation?

I have Person Attestations I want to keep as is, so we can have email approval link.

Not sure if version 8.1 can be configured to only use this option for a subset of attestations and not all.

Thank you,


  • The standard is not allowing you to define the approver by collection based on the attestation policy. But you should be able to customize this by modifying the generation conditions on the processes sending the emails.

  • Markus,

    I have the collection working as i need and built to only do the collection for specified attestation policies.

    I have a new one I built that has an escalation to a new set of approvers in a different approval procedure.

    The collection email notification seems to send to the escalation approvers ahead of time although they are unable to see the cases for approval.

    This is cause the case has not escalated yet. Is there something that you suggest i configure so the second level appover does not get the emails until the escalation?

    Thank you for any help.


  • Markus,

    I have the collection working as i need and built to only do the collection for specified attestation policies.

    I have a new one I built that has an escalation to a new set of approvers in a different approval procedure.

    The collection email notification seems to send to the escalation approvers ahead of time although they are unable to see the cases for approval.

    This is cause the case has not escalated yet. Is there something that you suggest i configure so the second level appover does not get the emails until the escalation?

    Thank you for any help.


  • Question is, what event are you using and what is your generation condition?

  • Markus,

    Than you for getting back to me on this.

    I have got it worked out. The collection was sending notifications to anyone in the AttestationHelper. All approvers and chief approvers. It was sending to all even when the approval level was not at them. I have a escalation level set to send to another approver which was getting the notice early and not able to approve the attestation case.

    I changed the process plan by copying the out of box and changing the condition.

    Old: was looking at all Attestation Helper cases

    UID_AttestationHelper in (select max(UID_AttestationHelper) as UID_AttestationHelper
    from AttestationHelper h join AttestationCase ac on h.UID_AttestationCase=ac.UID_AttestationCase and h.LevelNumber=ac.DecisionLevel
    where h.UID_PersonHead>' '
    group by h.UID_PersonHead)

    New: Selecting h.RulerLevel=0 not sure if i should match the h.LevelNumber=ac.DecisionLevel to the attestation case.

    UID_AttestationHelper in (select max(UID_AttestationHelper) as UID_AttestationHelper
    from AttestationHelper h
    join AttestationCase ac
    on h.UID_AttestationCase=ac.UID_AttestationCase
    and h.LevelNumber=ac.DecisionLevel
    where h.UID_PersonHead>' '
    and h.RulerLevel=0
    group by h.UID_PersonHead)

    Then in the process orch i set the following  generating condition as the approvers that should be notified have a date stamp and thosethat currenlty should not be notified should have "1/1/2200 12:00:00 AM". The date is not set until that level is up or not a chief approver.

    Dim dateNotString As String = "1/1/2200 12:00:00 AM"
    Dim dateNot As DateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dateNotString)

    Value = $RulerLevel:Int$ = 0 and not $NextAutomaticDecision:Date$ = dateNot

    Please let me know if you have a more elegant suggestion or way to do this.

    Thank you,
