Issues with upgrade from 8.0.2 to 8.1.2

I'm getting below error while compiling custom project CCC_Web post upgrade to 8.1.2.  Seems namespaces for IBookmarkProvider has changed in new version. I've gone through One Identity Manager guide for web portal changes, but couldn't find Bookmark related changes. 

Error is pointing to this code :   ->     

var provider = VI.WebRuntime.IoC.UnitySingleton.Container.Resolve<IBookmarkProvider>();
var bookmarks = provider.Get();
foreach (var bookmark in bookmarks)

Error code: CS0246; Error description: CCC_UserLogon.cs(279,87): The type or namespace name 'IBookmarkProvider' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) (CS0246); Node: ; Property: ; Module: CCC_UserLogon; Project name: CCC_Web; Compiler: CSharp
Error code: CS0246; Error description: CCC_Common_Login.cs(367,91): The type or namespace name 'IWebAppDbConfig' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) (CS0246); Node: ; Property: ; Module: CCC_Common_Login; Project name: CCC_Web; Compiler: CSharp

  • The first place that I would look is CCC_UserLogon and CCC_Common_Login modules in web designer. The error is pointing there. Check any customization's you have on those two modules.

  • Troy,

    Error is pointing to OOB code line -> "VI.WebRuntime.IoC.UnitySingleton.Container.Resolve<IBookmarkProvider>();" which i have compared with VI_UserLogon module. Is there any namespace change for "BookmarkProvider" class in the latest, or 8.1 version.?

    I've noticed that Bookmark collection had following interfaces "VI.WebRuntime.IBookmark, VI.WebRuntime" initially, which was not found on local compilation, so had to switch to new interface "QBM.CompositionApi.UserConfig.IBookmark, QBM.CompositionApi" post review of all instances of Bookmark in OOB modules. 

    Even after switching to new API changes, it is not working.