how to test a "Member of M:N schema type" virtual attribute in mapping condition


Could you help me how to test a "Member of M:N schema type" virtual attribute in mapping condition"?

After read the doc "Synchronization Technology A walkthrough and reference" and follow the steps in the doc.

On Provisioning, groupOfNames member, It shows the error,

Unable to cast object of type ''VI.Projector.Database.DatabaseSystemObjectData'' to type ''System.IComparable''

The 1IM version is 8.1.2, 

Please help, very thanks ~~


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Markus,

    Thanks the reply, because the "member" attribute of groupofnames in OpenLDAP is a MUST, so when create a group using Manager, 

    we need provisioning a default member to groupofnames in OpenLDAP. In the case, I create an M:N system type attribute, vrtMember and use 

    mapping condition to determine the vrtMember is EMPTY. I config  Left.vrtMember='' as a condition. When first create the group and no member assign, 

    it is Ok to provisioning , but when I add account to the group, then the provisioning run, the error show as  

    "Unable to cast object of type ''VI.Projector.Database.DatabaseSystemObjectData'' to type ''System.IComparable" .

    I don't know why, please help, very thanks.



  • I suggest contacting support to help you out. They need to take a look at your synchronization project.