Failed to delete custom column with 8.1.1 schema extension tool

We failed to delete custom column with "Remove extension" option using schema extension tool. The error pop-up shows:

[810023] Error during execution of statement: exec QBM_PColumnCustomRemove N'ShoppingCartItem', N'CCC_Comments2'
[810143] Database error 50000: detected in (SRV=DETROIT, DB=OneIM) Procedure QBM_PColumnCustomRemove, Line 44
[810143] Database error 50000: Column will not be dropped, see reporting lines above. First detail: Column not found in DialogColumn.

It is discovered that the reported column no longer exists in DialogColumn table but the custom column is listed under "Remove extension". We executed SP "QBM_PColumnDrop" but it did not help, and "QBM_PColumnCustomRemove" with the following errors.

Msg 50000, Level 18, State 1, Procedure QBM_PColumnCustomRemove, Line 50 [Batch Start Line 2]
50000 0 detected in (SRV=XXXXX, DB=OneIM) Procedure QBM_PColumnCustomRemove, Line 4450000 0 #LDS#Column will not be dropped, see reporting lines above. First detail: {0}.|Column not found in DialogColumn. 

Has someone seen the similar issue before, and how to delete this custom column? Thank you for the help!