reLoad a Property modified by the same Process


I have a Process that modifies a given field in Person table..

In a next step in the same process, i want to load and use the new value of this field in the generating condition..

When i log the value of the field in still have the old value , 

I think it's normal as we are in the same session or connection..correct ?

So, is it possible to load this new value from DB ?

Thank you 

Parents Reply
  • Thank you Markus

    I have done exactly as you suggested..but i have one bizzare behaviour..

    Process 1 is triggered on 'Assign event on  PersonHasTSBAccountDef'


    This process, at its  end , fires the event <<End_Process2>> on the same table PersonHasTSBAccountDef

    This event is supposed to trigger process2   : this process is put on event <<End_Process2>> on PersonHasTSBAccountDef'

    When i test by assigning a person the role that trigger Process 1 (assign theTSBAccountDef to this person)

    the process2 is triggered as many time as i have of persons having  an  TSBAccountDef     !!

    Is that normal?

