Usage of a script result to split a process - UseBooleanResultAsComponentSuccessValue


In my process, i want to split into two sub processes based on the result of a script.

So i have a step which is a script component that return true of false..

I have read in a post here to use the variable UseBooleanResultAsComponentSuccessValue to accomplish this..

 So I set up the flag UseBooleanResultAsComponentSuccessValue to Value=true

Then i split my process into two steps based on the result of the script component.

Now when the script  component return false , i have this error , and the corresponding step does not execute :

ErrorMessages (2020-10-15 07:38:16.987) Script function "XXXX_script" returned False.

I think i dont understand how to use this variable. Do u have a working example ?

Thank you 

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