Configparam usage in web designer

I have created a web UI page which loads a collection of ADSAccount afterwards an attribute of ADSAccount collection is compared using IN operator with the value configured at configparam in designer.

Now the issue is the value available at configparam is comma separated and are should be considered as different strings but when web designer is considering the value at configparam as a single string due to that I am not able to compare multiple value using configparam.

Furthermore I tried using for each loop as well but it slowed down the performance.

The root cause I identified is the value at configparam is presented as a horizontal value where as while we use it compare it should be present in vertical data. Due to that it is considering the configparam as a single string.

So can anyone suggest me the optimum solution to resolve this issue.

Thanks in advance.

  • This may work for you.  I have this in an Execution condition statement and the config param is pipe separated '|' but you can change it to comma if needed.  

    from LocalVars Select current Servicecategory in (split(getconfigparm("Custom\ITShop\AdminServiceCategories"), '|', false))

  • This may work for you.  I have this in an Execution condition statement and the config param is pipe separated '|' but you can change it to comma if needed.  

    from LocalVars Select current Servicecategory in (split(getconfigparm("Custom\ITShop\AdminServiceCategories"), '|', false))
