Run PowerShell Script


i want to run powershell script after AD user account creation. i have added the component powershell script but dont know how to execute the script from there and pass parameter like -identity.

Can anyone help me here?



  • Hi Prasad,

    If you have the module PAG installed, you could have a look at jobchain PAG_PAGAccesOrder_CheckExisting_AccessRequest. 
    You may pass parameters to the parameter Script with the following notation 

    Value = PAG_CheckAccessRequest($UID_PAGAccessOrder$, values("Appliance").ToString(), values("Thumbprint").ToString(), CBool(values("IgnoreSSLErrors")), CBool(values("ConnectPrimaryNode")), values("ClusterIPv4Addresses").ToString(), values("ClusterIPv6Addresses").ToString())

    Inside the $-values are column values and values("Name") are variables that are defined in the pre-script of the chain.

    I hope this helps you further,
    Tomi Kääriäinen

  • Hi Prasad,

    If you have the module PAG installed, you could have a look at jobchain PAG_PAGAccesOrder_CheckExisting_AccessRequest. 
    You may pass parameters to the parameter Script with the following notation 

    Value = PAG_CheckAccessRequest($UID_PAGAccessOrder$, values("Appliance").ToString(), values("Thumbprint").ToString(), CBool(values("IgnoreSSLErrors")), CBool(values("ConnectPrimaryNode")), values("ClusterIPv4Addresses").ToString(), values("ClusterIPv6Addresses").ToString())

    Inside the $-values are column values and values("Name") are variables that are defined in the pre-script of the chain.

    I hope this helps you further,
    Tomi Kääriäinen
