WebDesigner crashes when removing nodes

Currently on 8.1.4 and we've been observing this behavior since v7 days.

Whenever I remove a WebDesigner node (using 'del' key or right-klick menu), and the deletion is or includes a 'Function mapping' node, the WebDesigner crashes with the following error message:
(not sure why I can't paste screen clip)

This operation is invalid for deleted objects.
    at VI.WebDesigner.TypeInfo.ExtensiblePropertyInfo.<GetPropertyWithExtensionAsync>d__38.MoveNext()
    at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
    at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
    at VI.WebDesigner.TypeInfo.ExtensiblePropertyInfo.<GetPropertyExtensionInfoAsync>d__39.MoveNext()

We are using a databse project.

Whenever this happens, we need to close WD and re-open it. Sometimes the changes performed up to this point can't be saved. Most of the time, we dont want to save them, just because we need to restart WD. I don't belvieve this to be a product defect over all these years. Are we doing something wrong?

  • Hello Christian,

    This sounds it could be a defect, but we cannot reproduce it here. Can I ask you to open an support case for this please?

    Also, do you have a more complete log message/stack trace?



  • Hello Hanno,

    here is a complete crash report:

    This operation is invalid for deleted objects.
    	at VI.WebDesigner.TypeInfo.ExtensiblePropertyInfo.<GetPropertyWithExtensionAsync>d__38.MoveNext()
    	at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
    	at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
    	--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
    	at VI.WebDesigner.TypeInfo.ExtensiblePropertyInfo.<GetPropertyExtensionInfoAsync>d__39.MoveNext()
    Crash report
    2021-03-15 10:24:17	ObjectLog	Customizer OnLoaded
    2021-03-15 10:24:17	ObjectLog	Action on SwitchToModuleGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on [IsLoaded], _Enabled, _HasModuleGuid, _ProductionLevel
    2021-03-15 10:24:17	ObjectLog	Result: SwitchToModuleGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = True
    2021-03-15 10:24:17	ObjectLog	Action on SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on [IsLoaded], _Enabled, _HasModuleGuid, _NormalGuidsAllowed
    2021-03-15 10:24:17	ObjectLog	Result: SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = False
    2021-03-15 10:24:17	ObjectLog	Old state: Loaded, LogicLoaded, New state: Loaded
    2021-03-15 10:24:17	ObjectLog	The following columns are not user alterable: Configuration, CustomCode, FileName, ObjectType, SubObjectType, UID_DialogAEDS, UID_DialogAEDSParent, UID_DialogProduct, XDateInserted, XDateUpdated, XMarkedForDeletion, XObjectKey, XTouched, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated
    2021-03-15 10:24:17	ObjectLog	Try loading single entity done in 1ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:17	ObjectLog	Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, PermissionBased
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	DialogAeds: Try loading single entity, load type Interactive
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select Configuration, CustomCode, CustomConfiguration, Description, FileName, ObjectType, SubObjectType, UID_DialogAEDS, UID_DialogAEDSParent, UID_DialogProduct, XDateInserted, XDateUpdated, XMarkedForDeletion, XObjectKey, XTouched, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated from DialogAeds where ((uid_dialogaeds = 'QER-1B825E1CD2C15FC48364D788D40C6B92') and ((uid_dialogproduct = 'QBM-622BB2900FC2A11B3BFB908847869C46')))
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Entity: Run statement and fetch data done in 1ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, LogicInitialize
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	DialogAEDS: Initializing Customizer
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Action on SwitchToModuleGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on [IsLoaded], _Enabled, _HasModuleGuid, _ProductionLevel
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Result: SwitchToModuleGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = True
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Action on SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on [IsLoaded], _Enabled, _HasModuleGuid, _NormalGuidsAllowed
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Result: SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = False
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Old state: Loaded, LogicInitialize, New state: Loaded
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, LogicLoaded
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Customizer OnLoaded
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Action on SwitchToModuleGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on [IsLoaded], _Enabled, _HasModuleGuid, _ProductionLevel
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Result: SwitchToModuleGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = True
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Action on SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on [IsLoaded], _Enabled, _HasModuleGuid, _NormalGuidsAllowed
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Result: SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = False
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Old state: Loaded, LogicLoaded, New state: Loaded
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	The following columns are not user alterable: Configuration, CustomCode, FileName, ObjectType, SubObjectType, UID_DialogAEDS, UID_DialogAEDSParent, UID_DialogProduct, XDateInserted, XDateUpdated, XMarkedForDeletion, XObjectKey, XTouched, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Try loading single entity done in 2ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, PermissionBased
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	DialogAeds: Try loading single entity, load type Interactive
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select Configuration, CustomCode, CustomConfiguration, Description, FileName, ObjectType, SubObjectType, UID_DialogAEDS, UID_DialogAEDSParent, UID_DialogProduct, XDateInserted, XDateUpdated, XMarkedForDeletion, XObjectKey, XTouched, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated from DialogAeds where ((uid_dialogaeds = 'QER-1B825E1CD2C15FC48364D788D40C6B92') and ((uid_dialogproduct = 'QBM-622BB2900FC2A11B3BFB908847869C46')))
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Entity: Run statement and fetch data done in 1ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, LogicInitialize
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	DialogAEDS: Initializing Customizer
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Action on SwitchToModuleGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on [IsLoaded], _Enabled, _HasModuleGuid, _ProductionLevel
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Result: SwitchToModuleGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = True
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Action on SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on [IsLoaded], _Enabled, _HasModuleGuid, _NormalGuidsAllowed
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Result: SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = False
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Old state: Loaded, LogicInitialize, New state: Loaded
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, LogicLoaded
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Customizer OnLoaded
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Action on SwitchToModuleGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on [IsLoaded], _Enabled, _HasModuleGuid, _ProductionLevel
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Result: SwitchToModuleGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = True
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Action on SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on [IsLoaded], _Enabled, _HasModuleGuid, _NormalGuidsAllowed
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Result: SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = False
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Old state: Loaded, LogicLoaded, New state: Loaded
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	The following columns are not user alterable: Configuration, CustomCode, FileName, ObjectType, SubObjectType, UID_DialogAEDS, UID_DialogAEDSParent, UID_DialogProduct, XDateInserted, XDateUpdated, XMarkedForDeletion, XObjectKey, XTouched, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Try loading single entity done in 1ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, PermissionBased
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	Aeds	XML consistency change: QER-1B825E1CD2C15FC48364D788D40C6B92_CustomCode AttributeRemoved The attribute Web project.TdnsHash is hidden and removed from the document.
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	Aeds	DataNameSpace QER-1B825E1CD2C15FC48364D788D40C6B92_CustomCode loaded
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	DialogAeds: Try loading single entity, load type Interactive
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	SqlLog	(< 1 ms) - select Configuration, CustomCode, CustomConfiguration, Description, FileName, ObjectType, SubObjectType, UID_DialogAEDS, UID_DialogAEDSParent, UID_DialogProduct, XDateInserted, XDateUpdated, XMarkedForDeletion, XObjectKey, XTouched, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated from DialogAeds where ((uid_dialogaeds = 'QER-98CDF1B750CD2ACCE430836735384E9E') and ((uid_dialogproduct = 'QBM-622BB2900FC2A11B3BFB908847869C46')))
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Entity: Run statement and fetch data done in 1ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, LogicInitialize
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	DialogAEDS: Initializing Customizer
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Action on SwitchToModuleGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on [IsLoaded], _Enabled, _HasModuleGuid, _ProductionLevel
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Result: SwitchToModuleGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = True
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Action on SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on [IsLoaded], _Enabled, _HasModuleGuid, _NormalGuidsAllowed
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Result: SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = False
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Old state: Loaded, LogicInitialize, New state: Loaded
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, LogicLoaded
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Customizer OnLoaded
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Action on SwitchToModuleGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on [IsLoaded], _Enabled, _HasModuleGuid, _ProductionLevel
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Result: SwitchToModuleGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = True
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Action on SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on [IsLoaded], _Enabled, _HasModuleGuid, _NormalGuidsAllowed
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Result: SwitchToNormalGuid(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = False
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Old state: Loaded, LogicLoaded, New state: Loaded
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	The following columns are not user alterable: Configuration, CustomCode, FileName, ObjectType, SubObjectType, UID_DialogAEDS, UID_DialogAEDSParent, UID_DialogProduct, XDateInserted, XDateUpdated, XMarkedForDeletion, XObjectKey, XTouched, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Try loading single entity done in 1ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:20	ObjectLog	Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, PermissionBased
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	DialogAEDS: Getting collection, load type: BulkReadOnly
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	SqlLog	(5 ms) - select FileName, SubObjectType, ObjectType, XDateUpdated, UID_DialogAEDSParent, Configuration, CustomConfiguration, Description, UID_DialogAEDS, UID_DialogProduct, XDateInserted, XMarkedForDeletion, XObjectKey, XTouched, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated from DialogAEDS where ((uid_dialogproduct = 'QBM-622BB2900FC2A11B3BFB908847869C46')) order by FileName
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	Collection: Run statement and fetch data done in 21ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	Collection.Count: 980
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	Getting collection done in 22ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	DialogAEDS: Getting collection, load type: BulkReadOnly
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	SqlLog	(5 ms) - select FileName, SubObjectType, ObjectType, XDateUpdated, UID_DialogAEDSParent, Configuration, CustomConfiguration, Description, UID_DialogAEDS, UID_DialogProduct, XDateInserted, XMarkedForDeletion, XObjectKey, XTouched, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated from DialogAEDS where ((uid_dialogproduct = 'QBM-622BB2900FC2A11B3BFB908847869C46')) order by FileName
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	Collection: Run statement and fetch data done in 21ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	Collection.Count: 980
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	Getting collection done in 21ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	DialogAEDS: Getting collection, load type: BulkReadOnly
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	SqlLog	(4 ms) - select FileName, SubObjectType, ObjectType, XDateUpdated, UID_DialogAEDSParent, Configuration, CustomConfiguration, Description, UID_DialogAEDS, UID_DialogProduct, XDateInserted, XMarkedForDeletion, XObjectKey, XTouched, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated from DialogAEDS where ((uid_dialogproduct = 'QBM-622BB2900FC2A11B3BFB908847869C46')) order by FileName
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	Collection: Run statement and fetch data done in 19ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	Collection.Count: 980
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	Getting collection done in 20ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	DialogAEDS: Getting collection, load type: BulkReadOnly
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	SqlLog	(4 ms) - select FileName, SubObjectType, ObjectType, XDateUpdated, UID_DialogAEDSParent, Configuration, CustomConfiguration, Description, UID_DialogAEDS, UID_DialogProduct, XDateInserted, XMarkedForDeletion, XObjectKey, XTouched, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated from DialogAEDS where ((uid_dialogproduct = 'QBM-622BB2900FC2A11B3BFB908847869C46')) order by FileName
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	Collection: Run statement and fetch data done in 18ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	Collection.Count: 980
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	Getting collection done in 18ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	DialogAEDS: Getting collection, load type: BulkReadOnly
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	SqlLog	(4 ms) - select FileName, SubObjectType, ObjectType, XDateUpdated, UID_DialogAEDSParent, Configuration, CustomConfiguration, Description, UID_DialogAEDS, UID_DialogProduct, XDateInserted, XMarkedForDeletion, XObjectKey, XTouched, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated from DialogAEDS where ((uid_dialogproduct = 'QBM-622BB2900FC2A11B3BFB908847869C46')) order by FileName
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	Collection: Run statement and fetch data done in 23ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	Collection.Count: 980
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	Getting collection done in 24ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	DialogAEDS: Getting collection, load type: BulkReadOnly
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	SqlLog	(4 ms) - select FileName, SubObjectType, ObjectType, XDateUpdated, UID_DialogAEDSParent, Configuration, CustomConfiguration, Description, UID_DialogAEDS, UID_DialogProduct, XDateInserted, XMarkedForDeletion, XObjectKey, XTouched, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated from DialogAEDS where ((uid_dialogproduct = 'QBM-622BB2900FC2A11B3BFB908847869C46')) order by FileName
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	Collection: Run statement and fetch data done in 23ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	Collection.Count: 980
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	Getting collection done in 23ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	DialogAEDS: Getting collection, load type: BulkReadOnly
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	SqlLog	(4 ms) - select FileName, SubObjectType, ObjectType, XDateUpdated, UID_DialogAEDSParent, Configuration, CustomConfiguration, Description, UID_DialogAEDS, UID_DialogProduct, XDateInserted, XMarkedForDeletion, XObjectKey, XTouched, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated from DialogAEDS where ((uid_dialogproduct = 'QBM-622BB2900FC2A11B3BFB908847869C46')) order by FileName
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	Collection: Run statement and fetch data done in 25ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	Collection.Count: 980
    2021-03-15 10:24:21	ObjectLog	Getting collection done in 25ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:39	SqlLog	(4 ms) - select top 1 IsDBSchedulerDisabled, IsJobServiceDisabled,
    		when exists  (select top  1 1
    					from QBM_VDBQueueContent
    					) then 1
    		else 0
    	end as DbQueueWaitForCompiler,
    	len(dbo.QBM_FGIMaintenanceRunning()) as Maintenance
    	from      DialogDatabase with (nolock)
    	where   IsMainDatabase = 1
    2021-03-15 10:24:41	ObjectLog	DialogAEDS: Getting collection, load type: BulkReadOnly
    2021-03-15 10:24:41	SqlLog	(4 ms) - select FileName, SubObjectType, ObjectType, XDateUpdated, UID_DialogAEDSParent, Configuration, CustomConfiguration, Description, UID_DialogAEDS, UID_DialogProduct, XDateInserted, XMarkedForDeletion, XObjectKey, XTouched, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated from DialogAEDS where ((uid_dialogproduct = 'QBM-622BB2900FC2A11B3BFB908847869C46')) order by FileName
    2021-03-15 10:24:41	ObjectLog	Collection: Run statement and fetch data done in 19ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:41	ObjectLog	Collection.Count: 980
    2021-03-15 10:24:41	ObjectLog	Getting collection done in 19ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:44	ObjectLog	DialogAEDS: Getting collection, load type: BulkReadOnly
    2021-03-15 10:24:44	SqlLog	(4 ms) - select FileName, SubObjectType, ObjectType, XDateUpdated, UID_DialogAEDSParent, Configuration, CustomConfiguration, Description, UID_DialogAEDS, UID_DialogProduct, XDateInserted, XMarkedForDeletion, XObjectKey, XTouched, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated from DialogAEDS where ((uid_dialogproduct = 'QBM-622BB2900FC2A11B3BFB908847869C46')) order by FileName
    2021-03-15 10:24:44	ObjectLog	Collection: Run statement and fetch data done in 26ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:44	ObjectLog	Collection.Count: 980
    2021-03-15 10:24:44	ObjectLog	Getting collection done in 26ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:44	ObjectLog	DialogAEDS: Getting collection, load type: BulkReadOnly
    2021-03-15 10:24:44	SqlLog	(4 ms) - select FileName, SubObjectType, ObjectType, XDateUpdated, UID_DialogAEDSParent, Configuration, CustomConfiguration, Description, UID_DialogAEDS, UID_DialogProduct, XDateInserted, XMarkedForDeletion, XObjectKey, XTouched, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated from DialogAEDS where ((uid_dialogproduct = 'QBM-622BB2900FC2A11B3BFB908847869C46')) order by FileName
    2021-03-15 10:24:44	ObjectLog	Collection: Run statement and fetch data done in 24ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:44	ObjectLog	Collection.Count: 980
    2021-03-15 10:24:44	ObjectLog	Getting collection done in 25ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:44	ObjectLog	DialogAEDS: Getting collection, load type: BulkReadOnly
    2021-03-15 10:24:44	SqlLog	(5 ms) - select FileName, SubObjectType, ObjectType, XDateUpdated, UID_DialogAEDSParent, Configuration, CustomConfiguration, Description, UID_DialogAEDS, UID_DialogProduct, XDateInserted, XMarkedForDeletion, XObjectKey, XTouched, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated from DialogAEDS where ((uid_dialogproduct = 'QBM-622BB2900FC2A11B3BFB908847869C46')) order by FileName
    2021-03-15 10:24:44	ObjectLog	Collection: Run statement and fetch data done in 29ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:44	ObjectLog	Collection.Count: 980
    2021-03-15 10:24:44	ObjectLog	Getting collection done in 29ms.
    2021-03-15 10:24:44	VI.FormBase.ExceptionMgr	One or more errors occurred.

    I am able to reproduce it within extensions of standard modules, as well as in custom modules (definition tab).

    I will probably open a SR about this in the near future. I just wanted to see if other people are affected as well, and if there is a simple solution.

  • Did you ever get a resolution to this? I am seeing the same issue

Reply Children
  • Not a real solution, but after years of struggling with different versions, I recently found out that it only happens when I have the Command History window active, which is not on by default. I think the crash is totally related to this command history and while I found it to be a very good feature, completely disabling it seemed to fix 99% of my crashes. The other way round, whenever I try to enable the window now mid-development, I immediately run into the same crash as soon as I try to show it.

    I am on 9.0, not sure if this applies to other versions as well.