Style font portal web


I am modifying the styles of portal web and I need to change the color of the options of menu. I have modified the options of Layouts color settings of  the tool Web Designer and the font's color of the options of menu are blue. I have reviewed the css and there is a variable %VI_Common_Color_Font% but I don't find in tool Web Designer.

A greet

Parents Reply
  • Hi jroberto,

    So you need to change the color of  the link in this particular context? Or do you want that all links, have a different color?

    Multiple ways for Solution:

    Add an HTML Attribute as an extension in QBM_UserMenu_horizontal

    you could define a new stylesheet as an overriding object copy for VI_Styles_Label_NavList and add 

    .NavListLabel.k-link.k-menu-link {
    color: green;

    to the CSS

    Or you can change default link color:


