Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance


I'm trying to insert a value on AADUser.OnPremImmutableId and I get this error:

WARNING: Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance; qualifying expression will not be evaluated., Script: Tmpl_AADUser_OnPremImmutableId, Line: 1542, Script Line: 4

This is the line of code:

Dim f As ISqlFormatter = Connection.SqlFormatter
Dim ADSAccountGuid As String = Connection.GetSingleProperty("ADSAccount", "ObjectGUID", f.UidComparison("UID_Person", $UID_Person$))
Dim ObjectGuid As Guid = ObjectGuid.Parse(ADSAccountGuid)
Dim OnPremImmutableId As String = Convert.ToBase64String(ObjectGuid.ToByteArray)

Value = OnPremImmutableId

Anyone got any clues?


PS. Running 8.1.3

Parents Reply
  • We are thinking about this but there are several issues.

    1. There is no error-free 1-1 translation available. While we could do the change, the customers would have the effort to translate and test all their customizations.
    2. VB is more readable to inexperienced developers. So switching to C# might raise the bar here.
    3. Mixing and supporting both languages at the same time comes with a lot of support effort and is currently impossible from a technical point of view

    So I guess it will be VB for the time being.
