Mandatory check while submitting request in web portal


We have a requirement to have a Mandatory check box which end users need to select while submitting request in web portal. We need to enable this only for certain service items.

We created a custom attribute(boolean datatype) in ShoppingCartItem  Table and in the request properties we have set it as mandatory property. However this is allowing the users to submit request even with out checking the attribute as we have defined the type as boolean.

Can some one please let us know how we can  throw an error if user is not checking the attribute ?


Parents Reply
  • The thing is, that the boolean parameter does always have a value (default: false). So using it as a mandatory parameter is no good.

    Option 1: You convince your management that using the terms of use is exactly what they want. The requester needs to accept them.

    Option 2: You need to change the data type of your request property. You could use a string and combine this with a limited value set to "yes" (for example) at this column. The web portal should present the limited value in a combobox then, from which the user has to select the "yes".

    I haven't tested option 2 but it should work but honestly, I would go with Option 1.

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