Cloud Access Manager : Adding Azure Active Directory Authenticator


I'm using cloud access manager 8.1.4. I've already an active directory authenticator.

I want to add an Azure Active Directory  to grant access to users of a  O365 tenant.

I've followed this guide :  which is deprecated given the actual versions of Azure AD.

I've created an application in Azure AD  portal , given the needed permissions , and i had Client ID and the Application Key (secret).

Now, when i add the authenticator in Cloud Access manager, i put these value as in the guide : 

Client ID * = clientiD of the application created in Azure AD.

Application Key = key defined in Azure AD

Windows Azure AD Graph API Endpoint * =

OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint * ={tenantI_D}/oauth2/v2.0/token

When i test connection , it fails, and the logs show the following :

- success to obtain a token

-Failure with this error : InvalidAuthenticationToken","message":"Access token validation failure. Invalid audience

GetAccessToken - Success = True [], Token =
DEBUG 2021-05-08 22:54:26,382 23714422118ms [102] RstsAccessFacade rectoryCredentials - ConfigurationUpdater exit
DEBUG 2021-05-08 22:54:26,382 23714422118ms [102] RstsAccessFacade tDirectorySettings - Checking directory settings for [] [1cd129d1-34d1-4b91-9383-1d19a54xxxx]
DEBUG 2021-05-08 22:54:26,554 23714422290ms [102] RstsAccessFacade LogTaskResult - Query returned 400 Bad Request False
DEBUG 2021-05-08 22:54:26,554 23714422290ms [102] RstsAccessFacade LogTaskResult - Content = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><m:error xmlns:m="
vices/metadata"><m:code>DataServiceQueryException</m:code><m:message xml:lang="fr-CH">An error occurred while processing this request.</m:message><m:innererror><m:message>A
n error occurred while processing this request.</m:message><m:type>System.Data.Services.Client.DataServiceQueryException</m:type><m:stacktrace> at
at Rsts.Api.ProviderConfigurationController.Save(Object obj)&#xD;
at RSts.OData.ODataContext.SaveChanges()&#xD;
at System.Data.Services.DataService`1.HandleNonBatchRequest(RequestDescription description)&#xD;
at System.Data.Services.DataService`1.HandleRequest()</m:stacktrace><m:internalexception><m:message>{"error":{"code":"InvalidAuthenticationToken","message":"Access token validation failure. Invalid audience.",
"innerError":{"date":"2021-05-08T20:55:05","request-id":"9df016c4-6a63-47e4-9820-5569xxxxxxx","client-request-id":"9df016c4-6a63-47e4-9820-5569xxxxx"}}}</m:message><m:type>System.Data.Services.Client.DataServiceClientException</m:type><m:stacktrace> at System.Data.Services.Client.BaseAsyncResult.EndExecute[T](Object source, String method, IAsyncResult asyncResult)&#xD;
at System.Data.Services.Client.QueryResult.EndExecuteQuery[TElement](Object source, String method, IAsyncResult asyncResult)</m:stacktrace></m:internalexception></m:innererror></m:error>
DEBUG 2021-05-08 22:54:33,732 23714429468ms [57] NodesController Get - Get nodes -->

Do you have any idea ? 

Many thanks by advance.