Auto decision

Hello Team,

I have few approval workflows which should get auto approved and few should not.

I have enabled the config param's "QER\ITShop\DecisionOnInsert", "QER\ITShop\ReuseDecision" and "QER\ITShop\AutoDecision" and disabled"QER\ITShop\Personorderednodecide".

For workflows which needs to be auto approved I have set isnoautodecision to false in pwodecisionstep and For workflows which should not auto approved I have set isnoautodecision  to true.

This solution is working only lower environments but in production it is not working and requests are getting auto approved.

I see QERworkingstep table has isnoautodecision set to false in prod while in lower environment's isnoautodecision  is set to true in QERworkingstep table.(I belive this is to root cause)

I tried updating the value to true in QERworkingstep for isnoautodecision  but getting error : Database error 50000: Changes on working table QERWorkingStep are not allowed.

Could you please help me to how I can rectify the issue?