Implementation of an Emergency Leaver functionality


does anybody has experience and rubust approach for the implementation of an Emergency Leaver functionality? As far as I could find out, there is no OOTB function available.

Before creating custom attributes and processes etc. maybe someone has an idea if reusage and enhancement of existing functions, e.g. IsSecurityIncident@Person, makes sense or has already done that.

Related to IsSecurityIncident I couldn't find any detailed description on how this initially was meant to be used/ scope, but as far as I could find out of the implemented usage, it might make sense at a first sight.

Besides ad-hoc lock of linked accounts, changes e.g. due to import shouldn't unlocked again, only by separate e.g. manual function.

Appreciate your feedbacks.


  • Using the "Security Risk" flag (IsSecurityIncident) is the ootb Emergency Leaver function that allows you to disable or delete all assigned user accounts controlled via the account definition configuration. The same is true for the assigned entitlements at those user accounts.

    As long as the import does not touch this flag, the user will stay locked.


  • Hi Markus,

    thank you  for ur feedback.

    I did some testing with it and works fine so far, two points that came up and I could't clarify so far.
    For a person who has IsSecurityIncident set and account definition is set to retain the linked accounts, these accounts get disabled. Nevertheless it seems as if the person itself can still log in to WebUI by username and password. Are my obervations correct and is there a special reason why it is like?
    2nd point, in contrast to IsInactive - not automatically set due to IsSecurityIncident being set- the person is per default considered, managed and visible by the system as a "normal" active person, right? Not menaing that the behavior is strange, but asking if there are any further processes, UI etc. that have a special handling.

    Thank you !!

  • Hi Markus,

    thank you  for ur feedback.

    I did some testing with it and works fine so far, two points that came up and I could't clarify so far.
    For a person who has IsSecurityIncident set and account definition is set to retain the linked accounts, these accounts get disabled. Nevertheless it seems as if the person itself can still log in to WebUI by username and password. Are my obervations correct and is there a special reason why it is like?
    2nd point, in contrast to IsInactive - not automatically set due to IsSecurityIncident being set- the person is per default considered, managed and visible by the system as a "normal" active person, right? Not menaing that the behavior is strange, but asking if there are any further processes, UI etc. that have a special handling.

    Thank you !!
