Delete PersonInORG Script

Hello I want to delete the assignments to PersonInOrg. Unfortunately that doesn't work and I don't get a meaningful error. Do I have to do a deep delete?

'Remove all Assigments to all Project Rolls for the user

'Loop throu all sub Project Rols
For Each colbRoleElement As IEntity In colbRole
	Dim colbeAssigments As IEntityCollection
	Dim fRoleAssigments As ISqlFormatter = Session.SqlFormatter
	'Query is there an Assigments to Role and Userid
	Dim qRoleAssigments = Query.From("PersonInORG") _
              .Where(fRoleAssigments.AndRelation(fRoleAssigments.Comparison("UID_ORG", colbRoleElement.GetValue("UID_Org").String, ValType.String, CompareOperator.Equal),fRoleAssigments.Comparison("UID_Person", userUid, ValType.String, CompareOperator.Equal))) _
              .Select("UID_Person", "UID_Org")
	colbeAssigments = Session.Source.GetCollection(qRoleAssigments)
	'If Query has Data
	If( colbeAssigments.Count = 1)
		Using uow = Session.StartUnitOfWork()
			For Each assigment As IEntity In colbeAssigments
    	End Using
	End If		

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