Change password at next login - GapUser

Hello everyone! 

Can you please tell me why when there are some updates in the employee's card that we receive from 1C for him,
he is automatically ticked to change the password for his Google account?
I found the following script in the GapUser table in Change password at next login,
but I do not fully understand under what conditions it returns True / False
version ONEIM 8.1.4

#If ORG Then
#End If
If CBool(Connection.Variables.Get("FULLSYNC")) = False Then
Select Case ($FK(UID_TSBBehavior).ITDataUsage:Int$)
Case 0:'do not get data from employee
Case -1:'fill property initially from the ITData of the employee
If Not $[IsLoaded]:Bool$ Then
Value = VID_IsTrue(TSB_ITDataFromOrg($UID_Person$, $UID_TSBAccountDef$, Base.TableDef.Columns("ChangePasswordAtNextLogin")))
End If
Case 1:'update property depending on ITData of the employee
Dim f As ISqlFormatter = Connection.SqlFormatter
If Session.Source().Exists("TSBITDataMapping", _
f.AndRelation( _
f.UidComparison("UID_TSBAccountDef", $UID_TSBAccountDef$), _
f.UidComparison("UID_DialogColumn", Base.TableDef.Columns("ChangePasswordAtNextLogin").Uid))) Then
'overwrite only when the column ChangePasswordAtNextLogin is mapped
Value = VID_IsTrue(TSB_ITDataFromOrg($UID_Person$, $UID_TSBAccountDef$, Base.TableDef.Columns("ChangePasswordAtNextLogin")))
End If
End Select
End If