Grid header / view settings / additional columns

I defined two grids by using web designer.
A grid shows objects from the ESet table. The other grid shows objects from the view Org.
Both grids and gridbands are configured the same.
View in browser (Chrome): in the grid header for the grid that displays ESet objects a search field is shown and the option "Additional columns" is available under "View settings".
Neither the search field nor the "Additional columns" option is available for the grid that shows the org objects.
Why is that and how can it be achieved that these features are also available when the org objects are displayed?

Note: In the view "Org" are several fields marked as "Show in wizards" too.

Addendum: I found one difference: ESet-Collection is loaded via App-Server, Org-Collecttion is loaded without using App-Server. I think that is it...