CompositionAPI join details

I want to have a query in the CompositionAPI Builder doing the following statement:

select *
from eset e 
left join DialogMultiLanguage td on e.Ident_ESet = td.EntryKey and td.UID_DialogColumn ='QER-E086191A0B4E421C951A926B22C3E771' and td.UID_DialogCulture = 'QBM-CULT-de-CH'
left join  DialogMultiLanguage dd on e.Remarks = dd.EntryKey and dd.UID_DialogColumn ='RMS-A2408193627B46729B9F255D571663CF' and dd.UID_DialogCulture = 'QBM-CULT-de-CH'

But I've not yet found out how to do it.

If I try the following

         Query qEsets = Query.From("ESet", "e").
            Join("DialogMultiLanguage", "td").Type(JoinType.LeftOuter).On("e.Ident_ESet = td.EntryKey and td.UID_DialogColumn ='QER-E086191A0B4E421C951A926B22C3E771' and td.UID_DialogCulture = 'QBM-CULT-de-CH'").

It doesn't work, since the On(string joinFkColumn) is taken, and that doesn't work with the complexe statement.

        IJoin On(string joinFKColumn);
        IJoin On(Func<IExpressionContext, ExpressionClause> expression);
        IJoin On(ExpressionClause joinExpression);

Does anyone have a working solution for that?