Attributes of AttestationHelper

Hi experts,

I have some general questions regarding attestations and the AttestationHelper table.

I have that the issue that some users are getting emails for recertification tasks, because they are in the AttestationHelper table with the same LevelNumber as the AttestationsCases DecisionLevel, even though they have already made a decision and see no open tasks in the web shop.

I have a process automation running daily with following query, which starts the process on AttestationHelper, sending mails to the approvers to inform them of open recertification tasks.

UID_AttestationHelper in

(select max(UID_AttestationHelper) as UID_AttestationHelper

from AttestationHelper h join AttestationCase ac on h.UID_AttestationCase=ac.UID_AttestationCase and h.LevelNumber=ac.DecisionLevel

where h.UID_PersonHead>' ' and

ac.UID_AttestationCase in

( Select UID_AttestationCase From AttestationCase where UID_AttestationPolicy in

(Select UID_AttestationPolicy From AttestationPolicy where Ident_AttestationPolicy <> N'NotActualNameOfAPolicy'))

group by h.UID_PersonHead)


To better understand what I need to adjust to avoid picking the wrong objects from AttestationHelper and generally better my understanding it would be great if someone could answer these questions.


  1. For the field AttestationHelper.Decision I have found following values: N, E, D, P. I know P is for positive and N for negative decision. What do the others mean and are there more possible values?
  2. What exactly is the meaning of the values in AttestaionHelper.RulerLevel?
  3. When an approver adds an additional approver, the new approver is added to the AttestationHelper with the same DecisionLevel. Is the deadline for making the decision by the new approver the same as from the approver that added them, or does he get the full amount of time (e.g. 5 days as set for the original approver from the time they have to make a decision)?
  4. If an approver delegates the decision (UID_PersonInsteadOf) does the original approver get removed from the AttestionHelper table at some point?


Thank you and best regards