WhereClause validation issue when creating Dynamic Role with process step "HandleObjectComponent - Insert"

Dear all,

I am currently working on a custom process where I would like to create a new Dynamic Role in a process step.

Therefore, I added a proccess step of type "HandleObjectComponent - Insert" with the following parameter definitions


Value = "&Out(XObjectKeyOrg)&"


Value = "QER-T-Person"


Value = String.Format("EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT UID_Person FROM PersonInAERole WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT UID_AERole FROM AERole WHERE UID_AERole = '{0}') as X WHERE X.UID_AERole = PersonInAERole.UID_AERole)) as X WHERE X.UID_Person = Person.UID_Person)", $CCC_UID_AERole$)

The goal of the WhereClause is to select all objects from Person which are assigned to a particular OneIM Application Role (AERole).

Once I let my process be generated for the Job Qeue, the created process step ends in the frozen state with the following error:

(2022-03-31 13:00:54.763) [810306] Error while running 'OnSaving' in logic module 'QER.Customizer.DynamicGroup'.
[2133271] The SQL statement in the field 'Condition' is not correct.
[System.NullReferenceException] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at VI.JobService.ProcessorThread._ExecuteJob(Job job, JobResult result)
   at VI.JobService.JobComponents.HandleObjectComponent.Activate(String task)
   at VI.DB.Implementation.HandleObjectKernel.Activate(String task)
   at VI.DB.Implementation.HandleObjectKernel._OperationInsert(IUnitOfWork optionalUnitOfWork)
   at VI.DB.Implementation.HandleObjectKernel._Save(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, IEntity entity)
   at VI.DB.Sync.SyncUnitOfWorkExtensions.Put(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, IEntity entity, PutOptions options)
   at VI.Base.SyncActions.Do[T1,T2,T3](T1 p1, T2 p2, T3 p3, Func`4 action)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()

Since I was not able to identify an SQL syntax error in the WhereClause, I copied the generated WhereClause parameter value from the parameters section in the JobQeueInfo tool and manually added a Dynamic Role in Manager with the same WhereClause. This worked just fine. I was able to save the Dynamic Role without an error.

Does somebody sees what I am doing wrong with the WhereClause definition in the process step?

Thank you.


Top Replies

  • Hi , Manuel,

    I can't find the point of error either, but a workaround could be creating the Dynamic Role from a  process step that runs a script?   See here:


    Maybe that'll help you debug your problem , too.


  • Thank you for your answer and sharing your idea of creating a Dynamic Role from a script.

    I will try this approach.

  • As suggested by  , I wrote a simple scripts to reach my goal. This is working perfectly for now.

    Public Function CCC_HostingOU_CreateDynamicGroup(objectKey As String, uidAERole As String) As String
    	Dim dynamicGroup As IEntity = Nothing
    	Dim f As ISqlFormatter = Session.SqlFormatter
    	Dim whereClause = String.Format("EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT UID_Person FROM PersonInAERole WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT UID_AERole FROM AERole WHERE UID_AERole = '{0}') as X WHERE X.UID_AERole = PersonInAERole.UID_AERole)) as X WHERE X.UID_Person = Person.UID_Person)", uidAERole)
    	dynamicGroup = Session.Source.CreateNew("DynamicGroup")
    	dynamicGroup.PutValue("ObjectKeyBaseTree", objectKey)
    	dynamicGroup.PutValue("UID_DialogTableObjectClass", "QER-T-Person")
    	dynamicGroup.PutValue("WhereClause", whereClause)
    	Using uow As IUnitOfWork = Session.StartUnitOfWork()
        End Using
    	Return dynamicGroup.GetValue("UID_DynamicGroup")
    End Function