CreateAttestation with parameters

Good evening everyone,

I am trying to trigger an attestation from a process and pass the strings for PropertyInfo1 and PropertyInfo2. The version I am using is V. 8.1.5

If I run the method CreateAttestation(String strObjectKey, Dictionary'2 dicData) from the ObjectBrowser I don't have any problem. However, if the attestation is triggered from a process is gives an error.

These are the parameters of the process step I configured:

  • MethodName: "CreateAttestation"
  • ObjectType: "AttestationPolicy"
  • Param1: the relative XObjectKey
  • Param2: New Dictionary(Of String, String) From {{'PropertyInfo1,'TEST'},{'PropertyInfo2':'TEST2'}}

the error is the following "CollectionConverter cannot convert from System.String".

I also tried to put

  • MathodName: "CreateAttestation(String, Dictionary)"
  • ObjectType: "AttestationPolicy"
  • Param1: the relative XObjectKey
  • Param2: New Dictionary(Of String, String) From {{'PropertyInfo1,'TEST'},{'PropertyInfo2':'TEST2'}}

but the error becomes "[810081] Method CreateAttestation(String, Dictionary) not found in Object CCC_AttestationTest".

Is it possible to know the parameters format to put in the process step?

Thank you in advance.