Transporting Sync Project is failing - VI.DB.ChangedByAnotherUserException: Active Directory Domain DC=xxx,DX=xxx was changed by another user.


I have created an AD Sync Project and transported it (Transporter.exe --> "Transport Synchronization Projects" to transport package) to the next stage. Everything works well

Later I made some changes (changing delete-workflow behaviour) on the existing sync project, saved it and created a second transport package the same way like the first one. 

While importing the second TP to my next environment I, deselected all environment specific differences like OneIM-DB, target system, variables, etc. except my changes on the delete workflow.

The import fails:

Error flushing changes to database. VI.Base.ViException:

Error flushing changes to database.

---> VI.DB.ChangedByAnotherUserException: Active Directory Domain (DC=xxx,DC=xxx) - Active Directory Service (Root DN dc=xxx,dc=xxx) was changed by another user.

I check on SQL server, there are no sessions open, all tools are closed.

Curiously, I can see in the log, that transporter.exe is trying to change DPRSystemConnection, although I deselected the it from updating

update DPRSystemConnection

set DefaultDisplay = N'Active Directory Service (Root DN dc=xxx,dc=xxx, Server', DisplayName = N'Active Directory Service (Root DN dc=xxx,dc=xxx)', DisplayNameQualified = N'Active Directory Domain (DC=xxx,DC=xxx) - Active Directory Service (Root DN dc=xxx,dc=xxx)', xdateupdated = GetUTCDate(), xuserupdated = N'user123'

where (DPRSystemConnection.UID_DPRSystemConnection = 'CCC-C9526xxxxxxxxx') and ((dbo.QBM_FCVBinaryToHash(convert(varbinary(max), convert(nvarchar(max), ConnectionParameter))) = 0x569FD1406xxxxxxxxx) or (dbo.QBM_FCVBinaryToHash(convert(varbinary(max), convert(nvarchar(max), ConnectionParameter))) = 0x40CB7xxxxxxxxxxx)) and ((DPRSystemConnection.DefaultDisplay = N'Active Directory Service (Root DN dc=yyy,dc=yyy, Server srvyyy.yyy.yyy)') or (DPRSystemConnection.DefaultDisplay = N'Active Directory Service (Root DN dc=xxx,dc=xxx, Server')) and ((DPRSystemConnection.DisplayName = N'Active Directory Service (Root DN dc=yyy,dc=yyy)') or (DPRSystemConnection.DisplayName = N'Active Directory Service (Root DN dc=xxx,dc=xxx)')) and ((DPRSystemConnection.DisplayNameQualified = N'Active Directory Domain (DC=yyy,DC=yyy) - Active Directory Service (Root DN dc=yyy,dc=yyy)

What did I wrong? Does anybody have the same problem with transporting a sync project?

  • Hi Christoph,

    I once ran into the same error message "was changed by another user" and assumed the problem was that I transported a sync project into another environment, then did changes there and transported back into the first environment. Are you sure you transported in one direction only?

  • Hi Christoph,

    I once ran into the same error message "was changed by another user" and assumed the problem was that I transported a sync project into another environment, then did changes there and transported back into the first environment. Are you sure you transported in one direction only?

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