Error during System compilation error


I'm installing OneIM 8.2.1 in the client dev environment and getting an attached error when I'm installing OneIM for the database. This error occurred during processing database at system compilation as you can see in the attached screenshot.

Can anyone help me to resolve this error?

Can I continue the installation(Job server, web server, etc) with this error?

  • It looks like your OneIM database contains the Sharepoint Online module (O3S) but the client installation, where the ConfigWizard was started hasn't installed the binaries for the same module.

    You can finish the ConfigWizard, but before you advance further on, you need to add the missing modules to the client installation (run setup again) and compile the database with the Database Compiler.

  • Thanks   for your response.

    I have a question. Can I use SQL server 2019 enterprise evaluation edition for OneIM 8.2.1 installation?

    Currently, I'm installing OneIM 8.2.1 version and getting errors during the installation.

    I attached a screenshot of the errors.


  • It looks like you are having 2 issues.

    First, it seems that something with your permissions of the user you have used to connected to the database in the Configuration Wizard is not correct. Please check the installation guide.

    Second, the Job Server is using "Windows Authentication" and is running as a system user. Therefore the machine account is used to connect to the database but it seems to not have the necessary permissions.

    SQL Server 2019 should be no issue even if it is the evaluation edition.

  • During compilation, the compiler has no technique to detect these kinds of errors. It is the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) that detects it while the program is running. To handle the error during the run time we can put our error code inside the try block and catch the error inside the catch block.


  • Below shows the major components of an error statement:
    1. The class/file where the error occurs
    2. The line number where or around the error occurs
    3. The type of error that occurs
    4. The actual line of code and location of the error marked with a carat.
    To summarize this first error statement, a curly brace is missing after the code found on line 1 in
    the file. Adding a curly brace after this line of code would fix this error.

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