Sync: System filter in powershell Connector

I want to know if there's a way to define a system filter in powershell and if not, if there's a workaround.


We have defined a schema class and its listing command returns all the objects from the target system. Now we want to have different filters on this schema type. I can create new schema classes with a object filter, but that's in most (if not all) cases superflous and depending on the query ridiculous slow. Since there's only one listing command and the "system filter"-tab always states "The connected system does not support system filters", I think that's impossible.

I think this could be supported without any problems. Add a [string]-Parameter to the listing function and configure that with a new "Source" like e.g. "SystemFilter". You only have to fill that parameter with the system filter content. Everything else is up to the customer.

Currently, I have not even a workaround.

Version 8.1.5

  • You could as well write your own wrapper function around your used CMDlet. If the filter shouldn't be fixed, you could use a variable to provide the filter condition.

  • What does the wrapper function solve here? Whether I have two functions or one function with parameters - I need a way to provide schema specific values to that function.

    Please tell me more about the variable-way: I tried to solve it with variables, but then I have a "runtime fixed" value (I can't get it to work to have differences between the schema classes).

    What I need is a schema type with two or more schema classes, each of which calls different functions and/or has different parameters (but shares the same "<class>" configuration). At least, I need to know the schema class name inside the cmdlet.