Check consistency error generate by a script

Hello everyone,

i have an issue with the script below :

Dim f As ISqlFormatter = Connection.SqlFormatter
Dim whereClause_AccProductGroup As String
Dim whereClause_ITShopOrg As String
Dim whereClause_PWODecisionMethod As String

whereClause_AccProductGroup = f.Comparison("FullPath", "Appartenir à une liste de diffusion", ValType.String)
whereClause_ITShopOrg = f.AndRelation(f.Comparison("Ident_Org", "Groupes de distribution Azure Active Directory", ValType.String), _
f.Comparison("ITShopInfo", "BO", ValType.String))
whereClause_PWODecisionMethod = f.Comparison("Ident_PWODecisionMethod", "Policy - Souscription à un groupe de diffusion", ValType.String) 

values("UID_AccProductGroup") = Connection.GetSingleProperty("AccProductGroup","UID_AccProductGroup", whereClause_AccProductGroup).String
values("UID_ITShopOrg") = Connection.GetSingleProperty("ITShopOrg","UID_ITShopOrg", whereClause_ITShopOrg).String
values("UID_PWODecisionMethod") = Connection.GetSingleProperty("PWODecisionMethod","UID_PWODecisionMethod", whereClause_PWODecisionMethod).String

Dim UID_AccProduct As String
Dim prefix As Integer
prefix = CInt(System.Math.Ceiling(Rnd() * 500000)) + 1
UID_AccProduct = prefix.ToString + $UID_O3EDL$
values("UID_AccProduct") = UID_AccProduct.Substring(0,38)

' ACE 20190502 : Retrieve owners to populate AERole. we filter on ObjectKeyOrdered = '<Key><T>QERReuse</T><P>c5e2f047-1294-42b1-bf6a-e8e5a79fa114</P></Key>' to find PWO that lead to group creation (if any)
Dim UID_PersonWantsOrg as String = Connection.GetSingleProperty("PersonWantsOrg", "UID_PersonWantsOrg", f.AndRelation( _
	f.Comparison("ObjectKeyOrdered", "<Key><T>QERReuse</T><P>c5e2f047-1294-42b1-bf6a-e8e5a79fa114</P></Key>", ValType.String), _
	f.Comparison("CustomProperty01", $Name$, ValType.String)))
Dim CCC_AADGroupOwner01 as String = Connection.GetSingleProperty("PersonWantsOrg", "CCC_AADGroupOwner01", f.Comparison("UID_PersonWantsOrg", UID_PersonWantsOrg, ValType.String))
Dim CCC_AADGroupOwner02 as String = Connection.GetSingleProperty("PersonWantsOrg", "CCC_AADGroupOwner02", f.Comparison("UID_PersonWantsOrg", UID_PersonWantsOrg, ValType.String))

values("UID_PersonInserted") = Connection.GetSingleProperty("PersonWantsOrg", "UID_PersonInserted", f.Comparison("UID_PersonWantsOrg", UID_PersonWantsOrg, ValType.String))
values("UID_Person_Owner01") = Connection.GetSingleProperty("AADUser", "UID_Person", f.Comparison("UID_AADUser", CCC_AADGroupOwner01, ValType.String)).String
values("UID_Person_Owner02") = Connection.GetSingleProperty("AADUser", "UID_Person", f.Comparison("UID_AADUser", CCC_AADGroupOwner02, ValType.String)).String

When i run the Check Consistency i have an error "GUID in primary Key with invalid format"

Do you have any suggestion ?

 OIM version 8.0

I would like to resolve this situation before migrating my environment in up to date version  

  • These lines here are probably the reason for the error.

    Dim UID_AccProduct As String
    Dim prefix As Integer
    prefix = CInt(System.Math.Ceiling(Rnd() * 500000)) + 1
    UID_AccProduct = prefix.ToString + $UID_O3EDL$
    values("UID_AccProduct") = UID_AccProduct.Substring(0,38)

    I do not understand why you are trying to generate a UID like that?

    Can you post a resulting UID to validate my claim?

  • Hi Markus,

    I'm so sorry i didn't see your reply.

    Here it's an UID from the Table ACCProduct :

    AccProduct 101311663ae568-4f5b-4dd0-981b-76c86ab3

    I'm not the one who made this script, it's an integrator.
    We have see this issue with this script  when i wanted to upgrade the version 8.0 to 9.1 

    And this method for generating the UID is the same on multiple script.
    I would like to change this method of generating but i do not know who to proceed. 



  • The normal format of a UID is either



    <Module prefix>-32

    where the number stands for the number of allowed characters.

    Your IDs are in the format 12-4-4-4-8 which lead to the error in the consistency check.

    I cannot comment on the intentions of the script and why the integrator has chosen this way of generating the UIDs. By default, the system generates the UIDs on its own.

  • Hi Markus,

    By luck do you hane anyy idea who i can change this method ?

    Or i need to just let the system generate the uid and change the way of the script work ?

    This script are use in the process of creating Distribution List in office 365 and group with the same name in our LDAP + publish this Distribution List in IT Shop and work on self-service subscription via the WEB portal

    This script and the others using this lines  are on prod and generate each time wrong UID
    I will  script a method for correcting the wrong  uid in my DB. 

    Thanks for your help

  • Hi Markus,

    By luck do you hane anyy idea who i can change this method ?

    Or i need to just let the system generate the uid and change the way of the script work ?

    This script are use in the process of creating Distribution List in office 365 and group with the same name in our LDAP + publish this Distribution List in IT Shop and work on self-service subscription via the WEB portal

    This script and the others using this lines  are on prod and generate each time wrong UID
    I will  script a method for correcting the wrong  uid in my DB. 

    Thanks for your help
