Change popup title for SOD rule violation

Hello All, 

I am using 8.2 version of one identity manager. 

I am trying to change the title of popup that appears on sod rule violation. 

I was able to change the popup content but, didn’t find from where I would change popup title. I tried to use ‘Find and Replace’ menu of web designer but couldn’t find a component related to it. 


Could you please help me to know, how can I change this popup title? 



  • Hello All,

    Any suggestions on my query?

    I have been trying to find a component to change popup title that appears upon compliance violation but unable to locate the right component.



  • Hello Saba,

    not sure what exact popup you refer to, there are several throughout the web frontend I believe.

    In case you are talking about the one you get in shopping cart, it is probably the following one:

    see component CPL_ITShop_CartItemDisplayCheckStatus_Ext and search for "Compliance rule violations", you will get to popup title.

    Best Regards