I am taking input of a particular attribute in from OneIdentity manager and want to insert in the same table if it's empty.I want to insert "CCC_Context_UUIDPARAM" value in SQL table, please guide the process of writing the value in SQL. Than

Dim f As ISqlFormatter = Connection.SqlFormatter
Dim collectionUsers As IColDbObject = Connection.CreateCol("CCC_Context_Identifier_Def")

collectionUsers.Prototype.WhereClause = (f.Comparison("CCC_Context_UUID","ContextUUIDParam", ValType.String, CompareOperator.Equal))

collectionUsers.Prototype.WhereClause = (f.Comparison("CCC_Context_UUID","ContextUUIDParam", ValType.String, CompareOperator.NotEqual))
currentAccount = Connection.CreateSingle("CCC_Context_UUID", ContextUUIDParam)

I want to insert "CCC_Context_UUIDPARAM" value in SQL table, please guide the process of writing the value in SQL.