Installation of a New History DB 9.2

Hello Togehter, 

i am not able to get the a new simplified History DB running. 

What i have done so far : 

  • Install the administative Tools (9.2) on the Workstation
  • Use the ConfigWizard of those Tools and Create a New Database with the Dataarchive Modul
  • In OIM DB i did all the Configuration with Timetrace entry and export setting (hdb, package Size) 
  • When i try to run the Job "Transport to history database" i got a error
    • [810023] Fehler beim Ausführen des Statements: select
      JobChainName, UID_ProcessInfo, BasisObjectKey, FirstDate
      from HistoryChain
      where UID_HistoryChain = 'xyz'
    • Thats Logic because there is no "HistoryChain" on my OIM DB, this is only on the new HDB
  • So i thought the OIM DB need the Dataarchive Module as well, by try to do this i run into the next error
    • Module Data Archiving and Application Governance cannot be selected together.
      at InstallManager.UI.ModuleSelectionControl.lvModules_MouseDown(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
      at InstallManager.UI.ModuleSelectionControl.SelectItem(ListViewItem lvItem, Boolean bSelect)
      at InstallManager.Core.Selector.ModuleSelector.SelectModuleByRef(InstallModule module, SelectState selectState)

What i need to do, to get it Working ? i followed the administration guide...

Thanks for help


  • In the end i found out (with some help) that the problem is not the history db. When the "Transport to History" (Main DB) job is started it will be put to the JobHistory. After that i was not able to open this job in the History anymore. The issue is that this job has problems with "old" V6/V7 HDB which are also connected to my OIM DB.

    I open a SR for bug #37441$

    Thanks for all your replys

    best regards


  • In the end i found out (with some help) that the problem is not the history db. When the "Transport to History" (Main DB) job is started it will be put to the JobHistory. After that i was not able to open this job in the History anymore. The issue is that this job has problems with "old" V6/V7 HDB which are also connected to my OIM DB.

    I open a SR for bug #37441$

    Thanks for all your replys

    best regards


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