OneIM - PAG Connection via OneIM Safeguard Connector


We have been trying to establish a connection between Safeguard and OneIM using the OneIM PAG module and OneIM Safeguard Connector from Synchronization Editor. During system creation section, we have been receiving "Unable to retrieve certificates because the thumbprint is not valid. Verify the tumbprint and retry" error message.

To overcome this, we tried to create a self-signed SSL certificate using both PowerShell and SSL tools and uploaded the certificates we have created to both the trust store of the server and SPP. For every certificate, we have changed the Authentication Provider setting of the user created for sync in SPP. However, both operations failed. Moreover, we also tried to create an SSL certificate using Certificate Signing Request of SPP but we are not able to load the certificate created using CSR to SSL certificates of SPP. We are able to upload this certificate to both trust stores of windows server and SPP, but it doesn't succeed upon uploading to the SSL store of SPP.

We are stuck at this point, and can't continue since we are not able to solve this thumbprint problem. Any help would be great!