I have a DB2 connector and need to synchronize a table with One Identity. I have created a custom table in One Identity and mapped the following values:
- 1IM: Vrt_key = script property that returns attribute1 + "|" + attribute2
- Target System: Vrt_key = script property that returns attribute1 + "|" + attribute2
- attribute1 <- attribute1
- attribute2 <- attribute2
The problem is that during synchronization, duplicate values are ignored. The simulation states:
"The object matching rule (rule) supplied the following 15 objects with the same key (<attribute1>|<attribute2>). These objects were ignored."
I am aware that there are duplicates, but it is important to me that at least one of these values gets inserted.
Therefore, it would be acceptable if in this case, one value is inserted and 14 are ignored.
Thank you,