Hi all,
I'm trying to configure the SSO with AD on the webPortal. Reading the documentation and watching videos, I saw that to implement SSO in the identity, in the Miscellaneous tab, you need to populate the Logins and System user fields. Also for the generic SSO on the documentation I read that you need to set the config params in the path "QER | Person | GenericAuthenticator" in the designer.
I populated the "Logins" field with "domain\SAMAccountNameOfTheADAccount" (the AD account is linked to the identity) and the "System user" field with "viadmin".
Instead, I populated the config params as follows:
QER | Person | GenericAuthenticator | SearchTable --> ADSAccount
QER | Person | GenericAuthenticator | SearchColumn --> SAMAccountName
QER | Person | GenericAuthenticator | DisabledBy --> AccountDisabled
Despite these changes, login to the portal does not start and I get the generic error: An error occured while processing your request.
Do you have any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong? Do I need to modify or add anything else?
Version: 9.2