Unable to create/insert Groups in UNSGroupB table



We are unable to sync groups from the target system (Generic database connector) to the UNSGroupB table. Additionally, attempting to manually create the group in the object browser resulted in the same error. Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue.

[810391] Error applying changes to database.
[810023] Error running statement: insert into UNSGroupB (CanonicalName, cn, DisplayName,
DistinguishedName, ObjectGUID, UID_UNSGroupB, UID_UNSRootB, xdateinserted, xuserinserted,
xdateupdated, xuserupdated, xobjectkey) values (N'Test/Human Resources', N'Human
Resources', N'Human Resources', N'group=Human Resources,system=Test', '4", 'ea435b71-ec6a-
4756-b777-886a6dc849a6','56489be9-594e-4fd3-b327-44413272b58f', GetUTCDate(), N'Synchronization',
GetUTCDate(), N'Synchronization', '<Key><T>UNSGroupB</T><P>ea435b71-ec6a-4756-b777-
[810143] Database error 50000: detected in (SRV=QA-TV-CSQ-104\OIM, DB=OneIMDB) Procedure
TSB_TIUNSGroupB, Line 3

[810143] Database error 50000: Insert is prevented by the used system entitlement types defined on the
target system.

[810143] Database error 50000: Insert is prevented by the used system entitlement types defined on the target system.

