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V7 DB2 Connection problems


I am trying to set up a synchronization project with a DB2 db native connector. Per a suggestion elsewhere in the forums, installed the iSeries data connector as provider. It seems to be working as I can establish a connection to the desktop connector to the desired db.

This is D1IM v7.0

The following produces an error shown at the end:

  1. Log into Synchronization Editor
  2. Create a new synchronization project
  3. Select Native Database Connector
  4. Chose not to connect remotely
  5. Select to create a new system connection
  6. Select DB2 as the target system and click NEXT.... 

Has anyone had success getting a DB2 connection configured for v7 synchronization? Or anyone know what is causing the "'DbProviderFactories' section can only appear once per config file." message?

Thanks in advance,


  • Hi Chris,

    yes i had success getting a DB2 Connection configured. I installed the IBM Data Server Driver Package Version on my client to make it work.

    The error seems related to the detection of the installed ADO.NET Providers in your system. It seems that there are two identical providers installed on your machine.

    I would suggest to remove and reinstall the DB2 ADO.NET providers.