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Importing between different databases


¿Is there any option to import a transport file from a D1IM 7.0.1 installation based on SQLServer to a installation based on Oracle?

When I try to import a transport file I get this error:

Any ideas?


Best regards,


  • There is cmd line option for the Transporter.exe /force.

    Please be aware that any SQL Statement that might be part of your transport as part of templates, scripts, reports etc. might not work depending on your SQL Code.

    That's why the Transporter does not import across different database types.

  • There is cmd line option for the Transporter.exe /force.

    Please be aware that any SQL Statement that might be part of your transport as part of templates, scripts, reports etc. might not work depending on your SQL Code.

    That's why the Transporter does not import across different database types.

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